The sight

21 2 0

Quinn POV
Me and Blake looked at each other and ran out of my house and drove to Irwin's his text did not sound good. We ran into the apartment building and started banging on his door. When we saw inside we switched into caregiver mode fast there were cloths all over the place bowls and spoons and sippy cups in the kitchen and a 2 year old Irwin crying. I picked up Irwin and started bouncing him up and down.

Blake went into the kitchen and started puting the dishes back in the cabinets and drawers then started on the living room and bedroom Irwin wouldn't stop crying and I was worried. I turned to Blake and gave him a questioning look and he gave me a duh look. Binki I mouthed to him and he went to find one he brought back a blanket and blue binki with a cloud on it. I put it in his mouth and started rocking him back and forth and gave him his blanket. I looked down and realized he was falling asleep so I started humming and rocking him more until he fully fell asleep. I turned and looked at Blake since he was back in the living room and asked what he thought happened.

Blake POV
Quinn looked at me and asked what I thought happened he can be stupid sometimes.
B: "What do you think happened? We left him upset and he regressed that what he does do you not remember school?"
Q: "Was I that bad to him?"
B: you yelled at him because he lied to you I'm not saying it was ok but he barely trusts us and you said that to him what do you think would happen?!"
Q: shh he's sleeping quiet down.

AN: look a update finally hopefully another will be up soon sorry it's short hopefully the next one will be longer

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