The request

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I saw Quinn's apology post I don't know what to do I know that they just wanted to take care of me but I also know that if I don't let them help me it might get worse at school and I can't handle that.  Especially if they use my little space against me and makes it worse for me, I wouldn't know what to do. I can't ask them to do that it won't be right we would get questioned we can't have that. I won't do it I can't do it. As my thoughts continued I screamed loud as I could and started crying again.

I started to regress and I decided to put on my dinosaur onesie and a new pull up. I went out to the kitchen and turned on the stove to make some milk and crackers. When my milk was done I went to poor it I  dropped it on me and the floor.  That caused me to cry even louder and I did the one thing I would never do in bigspace I messaged Blake and Quinn.

I~ Bwake Quin I nee elp pwease
B~What happened baby
Q~we're on our way
I~pwease huwy

I'm back yay I passed my writers block I'm sorry its short
Thank you for reading guys💚

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