Reader/Baby Camus

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Yet another request, this time it's a baby Camus one for Jiwa_Yuuki! I hope you like it ^^ I'm so sorry for taking so long with these!


As the smoke started to clear, you and the remaining boys squinted your eyes to see a small silhouette. Once the smoke had completely disappeared, you saw...



You gasped as there, sat on the floor below you, was a white-blonde haired baby with his clothes strewn around him. He looks around curiously with a small frown present on his face.

You waited nervously as you weren't sure how the now-babyfied count would react to the situation. There was a slight pause but soon the all too familiar sound of sobbing was heard as Camus began to have a temper tantrum.

You let out a nervous giggle as you gently picked up the white-haired baby.

"Oh dear. D-don't worry, Camus-senpai... I'll take care of you."

Baby Camus continued to pout as he looked up at you but soon began to feel more comfortable in your arms and began to calm down a bit.

A blue-haired male, named Ai, tilted his head to the side as he looked in your direction.

"Are you sure that it wise, (Y/n)? Camus can be very temperamental..."

You let out a small nervous laugh as you looked back into Ai's direction.

"W-well, I do have a bit of experience with babies so I'll give it a go..."

Ai nodded in response as he turned to face the rest of the boys.

One blond-haired male, named Ren, smirked as he stepped forward and gently ruffled Camus' hair, causing him to attempt to push Ren's hand away.

"I think (Y/n)-chan will do well taking care of the Baby Baron, though we'll be around if you need us, okay my lady~?"

You smiled and nodded in Ren's direction as you bend down to pick up Camus' clothes and use some of them to wrap him up.

"Thank you, Ren... I'll see what I can do."


A few minutes pass by as both you and Camus leave the building to head back to your home.

As you walked the white-haired baby back to your home, you noticed that he had now fully calmed down from his earlier tantrum. You smiled down at him just as he was looking up at you with his icy-hued eyes.

"Are you alright now, Camus-senpai...?"

Camus cooed curiously as he looked up at you, not really sure how to respond to the situation.

"Forgive me for saying this, but... you're quite cute as a baby~"

The white-haired baby let out a small whine as he hid his face in your shoulder. You let out a small giggle as you carried Camus to the front door of your apartment.

"Sorry, but it's true...~"

As you entered your apartment, the baby count soon peeked his head out from your shoulder and his eyes lit up as he was amazed by how the inside of your apartment looked.

You let out a small giggle as you noticed how intrigued the white-haired baby was. Your giggle continued as Camus immediately looked down at himself before realising that he wasn't wearing any clothing and quickly crawled over to hide behind a nearby chair, in embarrassment.

Babysitter Reader x Baby/Child Starish, Quartet Night Member/s!Where stories live. Discover now