Reader/Baby Reiji

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This was a request for Lunarian_Knight~! I'm so sorry that this took so long ;w;

As the smoke started to clear, you and the remaining boys squinted your eyes to see a small silhouette. Once the smoke had completely disappeared, you saw...



There, on the ground, was a little brunette-haired infant with bright hazel eyes, looking around curiously whilst moving a piece of clothing away from his face.

He soon looked up at you and tilted his head to the side before letting out a small squealing sound and reaching his hands up at you with a big smile on his face.

You couldn't help but let out a small squealing sound as Reiji looked up at you.

"You look so cute, Rei-chan~!"

Baby Reiji giggled as you picked him up and he clapped his hands.

A young blonde-haired male chuckled as he looked over to you and smirked as Reiji gently pulled on a bit of your hair.

"Something tells me that you're going to have a lot of fun taking care of Rei-chan, (Y/n)~"

You blushed slightly from this comment and turned your attention back to Reiji, talking to him in a cooey, baby-like voice.

"I just wanna eat you up, you little cutie~!"

Reiji giggled and held onto you as the boys chuckled, watching you both.

You looked down at Reiji's now larger clothing on the ground and then back to him.

"Hmm, I think a shopping trip is first on the list... see you later, boys~!"

As you waved to the boys, they all chuckled and began to talk amongst themselves, aside from a grey-haired man who simply sighed and turned to a white blonde-haired man.

"Something tells me she will need more than just clothes to take care of that pest..."

The white blonde-haired male tutted as he leaned against a nearby wall.

"Shut up, idiot... she'll be fine."

A young blue-haired male nodded his head as he turned to the others.

"Yes. I believe he will behave for her, knowing his personality."


As you walked through the main gates of the school, you noticed many girls cooing and squealing over the little baby in your arms.

"He's so adorable~!"


Reiji cooed and smiled cutely at the girls as you passed them.

"Aww, you're such a little charmer, Rei-chan~"

As you came across the city block nearby, you walked past a clothing store and Reiji soon pointed towards it and let out a small squeal, wanting you to go inside.

"Ah, you want to shop in this place?"

Reiji smiled and nodded as he held onto your shoulder.

You walked into the store and looked around as Reiji held onto you. You soon came across a cute baby outfit stand and let out a small squealing sound.

"Eee! These all look so cute~! Which of these do you like the look of, Rei-chan?"

Reiji cooed and looked around before pointing over to an outfit which was hanging up. This outfit consisted of a small brown long-sleeved shirt with a pair of dark blue jeans.

Babysitter Reader x Baby/Child Starish, Quartet Night Member/s!Where stories live. Discover now