Reader/Baby Reiji and Baby Ai

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I'm REALLY sorry for the long delay on this D: I've been juggling stories with drawings recently!

Anywho, this request was asked by AixAikiko16, I hope you like it~! :3


As the smoke started to clear, you and the remaining boys squinted your eyes to see two small silhouettes. Once the smoke had completely disappeared, you saw...

"Ai-senpai?! Rei-chan?!"

You gasped as you noticed two babies laid on the ground with their clothes surrounding them. One of the babies whimpered as he attempted to pull himself up. You noticed this and walked over to him before gently picking him up.

"It's ok, Ai-chan..."

The blue-haired baby sniffled and began to nuzzle his head into your chest. You blushed slightly from the action but smiled as you held him close.

You soon heard a small squealing sound and looked down, letting out a small giggle and you noticed a curious looking brunette-haired baby looking up at you.

"Don't worry, Rei-chan... I didn't forget about you~!"

Reiji giggled and clapped his hands as you used your free arm to pick him up.

Ranmaru crossed his arms as he looked down at the babies in your arms.

"So, both Kotobuki and Mikaze are babies now?"

Camus sighed as he leaned over and took a closer look at Reiji and Ai.

"Seems that (Y/n) might have a hard time taking care of them..."

You huffed a bit as you turned away from the white-blonde and grey-haired males.

"Excuse me? Are you saying that I can't take care of babies?"

The males simply shrugged as they continued to observe Ai and Reiji's smaller forms.

"Well, Kotobuki will probably be difficult... Mikaze, however, he should behave for you."

You nodded and held onto the boys as you turned to walk away. Ai held onto you nervously as Reiji simply giggled and wrapped his arms around Ai, giving him a hug.

"Now if you'll excuse me... I better take care of these two until they turn back to normal."


As you got home to your apartment, you let out a small sigh and placed both Ai and Reiji onto the ground.

The blue-haired baby whined as Reiji was still hugging him and reached his hands out, trying to push him away.

You giggled and kneeled down, taking the brunette-haired baby's hands into your own.

"Silly Rei-chan~ I don't think Ai-chan wants to be hugged anymore..."

Reiji pouted and whined as he reached out to Ai, wanting to hug him again. You let out a small giggle as you picked up Reiji, giving him another hug.

Reiji soon stopped pouting and returned your hug with a big smile.


You smiled as you carried Reiji over to the couch and sat down with him sat on your lap.

"Aww, you think I'm your mama, Rei-chan~?"

Reiji smiled and pointed up at you.


You giggled but soon looked down as you noticed the blue-haired baby tugging on the leg of your trousers and making a small whimpering sound.

Babysitter Reader x Baby/Child Starish, Quartet Night Member/s!Where stories live. Discover now