"Umm... yeah. Thanks for the invite." Izuku greeted, shaking his hands, along with Vulture.

"Now, not all the pro heroes are here yet, but luckily I won't start my speech for another hour or so." Seihashi explained. "So, in the time being, there's some food and drinks on that table and you can talk and get to know the heroes here."

"Sounds great. Thank you." Vulture nodded, as well as Izuku. Seihashi nodded back before heading off, beginning to engage in a conversation with a pro hero. Izuku leaned over to Vulture in excitement, taping his arms.

"That's Rocketman." He whispered gleefully. "He's been patrolling the festival for as long he has been a hero."

Vulture sighed. "I beg of you, please don't turn into a fanboy here. That's what I fear the most here." Izuku chuckled in response. "Come on, let's go to the table. I'm starving."

The two headed to the table that Seihashi mentioned, that at close inspection, was filled with sandwiches of all kinds, neatly cut into triangles, along with many jugs of water. Vulture picked up a plate from a stack of them and began filling it up, while Izuku became indecisive with what to choose.

"Choose whatever. You might not get this chance again." Vulture proclaimed, noticing his friend's unsureness.

"I guess so..." Izuku replied before finally slowly but surely filling his plate as well, though not as much as Vulture's. The two began to walk away from the table with their plates of food, looking around the filled place.

"So many heroes... I don't know who to talk to first." Izuku said nervously.

"I'm sure you would love to talk to all of them if you could." Vulture commented, before eating one of the sandwiches.

"I guess so, but..." Izuku was then interrupted by a tap on his shoulder, which prompted him to turn around with a confused expression. When he did though, he froze, his eyes wide with disbelief before a wide grin came upon his face.

Standing in front of him was a young man who was taller than him, but around the same age of 20. He had short dark blue hair and was wearing glasses and his silver amour-like hero costume.

The young man smiled at Izuku, raised his arm up and gave a small wave. "Hello, Midoriya."

"Iida?!" Izuku still couldn't believe who he was looking at as a heartfelt laugh escaped his mouth as he side-hugged one of his closest friends from U.A. "Oh my gosh! I can't believe you're here! It's been so long!"

Iida chuckled at Izuku's excitement. "Indeed, it has been, despite us texting every now and again. You're looking well."

"Yeah, same as you." The smile on his face didn't disappear, only seemingly growing even more. "So, Seihashi gave you the offer as well."

"Yes! I was very surprised when he'd offered it to me, but nonetheless, I gladly accepted it." Iida explained. "Although, I shouldn't be surprised that he offered you the role as well."

Izuku chuckled, rubbing the back of the head. "Well, any chance to help people, I'm all up for it." The two then chuckled.

"Is that Ingenium?" Izuku turned around and saw Vulture behind him, looking shocked.

"Oh! I was so surprised that Iida was here, that I almost forgot that Vulture was here too."

Izuku cleared his throat, removing himself from his thoughts. "Umm, yes. Vulture, this is my friend, Tenya Iida. Iida, this is my other friend, Kenji Yoshitaka, also known as Vulture." He introduced the two.

"Ah, Vulture. Yes, I've seen you on TV with Midoriya. It's nice to meet you." Iida stretched out his arm towards Vulture, who shook his hand, still shocked.

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