Chapter 5

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-------3 hours later-----

Stephen’s P.O.V

We were all sitting on top of a hill talking.

“So… what are you going to do over the holidays?” Nichole asks out of nowhere.

“We could go out ice skating if you’re up for it?” Lucy quickly says.

“Yeah…I can’t ice skate I’ll be a laughing stock.”  Luca admits sadly.

“Aww don’t worry I’ll be there to hold your hand” she replies reassuring him.

“Anyway it’s late guys I think we should get going” I say.

“Oh. Um me and Lucy are staying for a bit” Luca says.

“Ok…” I say confused.

“Well I guess it’s just you and me” I say, smiling at Nichole.

We all say our goodbyes and we both leave.

“Hey so um I was thinking…do you wanna… um… come round and… have lunch with me at my house?” I ask shyly.

“Yes I would like that” she says smiling.


 -----Luca’s P.O.V-------

After Stephen and Nichole leave we sit on the grass for a bit…in silence.

“So…” I finally say.

“So…” she replies back.

Do I ask her now? What if she says no? Oh Luca stop fussing what’s there to say no about? Oh shut up! You’re so annoying. Hey! If I were so annoying would Lou be my friend...and I’m pretty sure Stephen would have said something. Why am I talking to myself? Urghh.

“Luca? Are you okay?” she asks me worriedly.

“Huh? Yeah no I’m fine.” I reply nervously.

She looks at me worriedly “Are you sure, you seem a bit dazed.” She states as a matter of fact.

I might as well tell her. But what if she rejects me? What if I completely ruin our friendship? It won’t hurt to try right?

I turn my body, so it’s facing hers. “Lucy?”

“Yes?” she smiles

That’s good right? Smiling for reassurance?

“Um…there’s something I’ve been meaning to ask you for a long time now” I chuckle nervously.

“Which is..?” She says looking me in the eyes still smiling.

“I mean, this is gonna sound can’t think of the word…” I look down, picking a few grass splinters then drop them and look back at her. “What I’m trying to say is… you’ve been an amazing friend, best friend actually. And I really, really like you, well…since I first saw you actually” I rub the back of my neck. Why is this so hard? Luca just man up you sound pathetic. “So do you wanna be my girlfriend?” I say looking down, knowing she is going to say no.

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