Chapter 8: Florida here we come

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I was straight up embarrassed, he knew now a lot more than even my parents knew. And to be honest, now I felt like someone who needed attention.

"No need to be sorry. If it makes you feel better, I mean I won't stop you. It's nice I guess to have bonding time with you without being interrupted. Let's me think about what happened in the past." He swiftly looked to me and then back at the road.

"Your past?"

"Oh, You don't know?"

"No, I mean, I don't remember much from my past so..."

"Oh well, A few years ago, I met like a real cool woman in a club, right here in Vegas. Didn't want to be stuck at home and well, thought it would be a great idea actually. So at the end, I met a woman. she was really nice, had manners and everything. But she wasn't from around the region. She was more a traveler kind of person. But continuation of the story, we talked, she didn't care about my status and well at the end we went up having fun at my place. She told me she would see me again. But I guess she forgot about me." He ended with a sigh.

Man, this lady got him good or what?

"She sounds really awesome. You have her number right? Why didn't you bother to call?" I tried starting the conversation again.

"Because she told me she would come to me, that her number wasn't a need for me. Because she was from another country and she didn't want to have all that trouble." He shook his head smiling. 

"Oh that sucks Zak. I hope you will see her again soon. It sounds like you really lost yourself in her don't you. "

"Yeah I did. But well life continues I guess. What about you? No boyfriend who bothered to stop you from moving? Or is Nick playing that role already?"

"What? No, no, no. I'm single as a Pringle, always been. And Nick? Dude, he is just a friend. Nothing more or nothing less."

"Oh come on! He is like a love sick puppy trailing behind you? Like how much older is he? Maybe over a good 10 years? And you guys know each other just for over a week. If it is even a week already."

I guessed he was kind of right, it would explain the great kindness towards me, but also, that can just be because he wants to be friendly. But also, he had given me one of his bracelets. what is kind of cute no?

"Well, if it is true what you are sayin' then okay! I mean he may be older than me, but I like older guys. Plus, Nick is candy for the eye. One of the reasons why I watched Ghost Adventures with my grandmother."

"Oh I am so not having this conversation with you, but please, do tell me the reason why you watch the show? I would love to know."

"Dat is voor mij een weet en voor u een vraag Zak" (EN: Thats for me to know and for you to ask.)


"This is going to be so much fun."


Not a good 10 minutes later, she fell asleep. Zak looked over to her and just smiled to himself. Did Nick have the honor of seeing her like this? 

Thats what went a cross of his mind.

Probably he did. Of course he did. She lives with him. There's no excuse. Zak quickly kind of hated himself for how the way he acted. She really just forgot, her memory left her. He shouldn't have been so harsh for her.

But it is what happened. And you can't change that.


It was another 15 minutes until they finally got to the meeting place. Zak his hand wondered to the radio, but soon stopped, realizing that she was asleep. Still she needed to wake up on a friendly and good way. 

He didn't want to see what she could be like when she was woken up on a very annoying way. He thought of a fitting way to just shake her awake on a light way. Not too touchy. He didn't wanted to feel like a perv.

He thought it would be perfect to do it now, since he didn't want to give up on his bad boy act towards the rest of the crew. But before he could, he was far too caught up in what happened.

She was mumbling in her sleep. And not in a good way. Zak waited for a minute till a name came out clear as a crystal. 

And that name made his friendly act drop in no time. He became furious in no time. 


The name that came out of her sleep was Nick.

That wasn't a good sign for him, he needed to act quick before it was too late. How was it even possible for her to mumble his name after they just met? Zak thought of the possibilities that they would know each other from somewhere else.

But that couldn't be.

He remembered her telling about that they have met on the plane here and that she doesn't remember much from her past.

So he saw an opportunity here. If she could dream about Nick that fast, and they aren't together, he still has his chance to go for it. Not that Nick would stop him.

Still, he was kind of mad at himself. And knowing him, he just is going to burst out against her.

Jolly good. (2014 Cezinando Norwegian Song, really good if you ask me tho :) )

"Hey, (Y/N) no drooling in my car please." He harshly said.

(Y/N) woke up out of breath, in shock of the sudden awakening. 

Zak what the hell man! Why couldn't you just shake me awake like a normal person?"

"Because I am not normal? Don't you realize that I am a paranormal investigator and I don't have like a normal live and everything." He snapped at her. His anger taking the best of him

(Y'all I know, Zak isn't like a hot head, but it's just a story aight?)

"Okay, okay. Zak just Calm down. I'm sorry."

Zak sighed and did not reply any further. Scared that he would snap again. there went his first good chance to make it up to her again.

At least, Florida here we come.

1769 words. Not bad eh?

More than a night (Zak Bagans x Reader) (ON HOLD)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ