Chapter 15

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A/N: To quote Anakin Skywalker: "This is where the fun begins". I'll be asking questions in the final note.

Chapter 15 Can someone return from that?

Chifuyu's POV

I had been visiting the hospital area almost daily. With the holiday still not being over it was easier, even considering the preparations for the upcoming competition.

Still… For two weeks now Selena was mostly asleep, her moments of consciousness short and far between. She looked better, yet her condition was worsening. They had taken samples from everywhere.

From blood and skin to bone marrow. Her left leg was probably unsalvageable from the knee down and her right eye was going to take a while to heal even in the best case scenario. And whatever they tried the doctors couldn't manage to get her to a healthy weight fast enough.

I pulled a chair next to the bed… After talking so much there wasn't anything I could think to say. So I remained there until Yamada sent me a call. There weren't any signs of change this time either…

Selena's POV

I woke up in a sweat, the room in complete silence. My head was killing me and my leg wasn't any better. Based on the lack of light around me it was the middle of the night. Soon, a woman in uniform showed up.

"You're awake. Is everything all right?" she asked upon seeing me awake and trying to rub my eyes. "Your heart monitor was acting up."

"Y-yeah…" I replied in a weak, coarse voice, hesitating to continue. My right eye was covered.

"Orimura sensei will want to hear this."

"DON'T!" I replied a little more loudly that I should've before starting to cough from the effort. "…she's probably busy." I continued, wiping a bit of phlegm and blood from my mouth.

That reason seemed to be enough for the woman who left after a quick checkup, reminding me of how I can get her. I let out a sigh of relief. No way I could let Chifuyu see me like this.

Since my sleep was gone I decided to look around the room. Nothing was out of the ordinary, except for a pile of papers. I outstretched my hand and grabbed them.

They were all from after I went missing. I gritted my teeth. If they had not been dealt with by the academy until now those women would have to deal with me. Stabbing me in the back after I had been traveling with them for so long.

As I kept reading my mood didn't improve in the slightest. After the unit I struggled to leave behind as a clue was recovered the reports got more and more half-assed.


Putting the papers back I tried going back to sleep. What kept waking me up for the last few days were nightmares. Every single one was the same. I could see the bright light from a lamp as I laid on a bed just like this, although restrained. Multiple people were hovering over me. The sedative was too strong for me to move but too weak to keep me asleep as they cut and prodded my body.

I hated it. And this room was so similar in a way… I felt tied down again. Yet right now I could only wait. And since my sleep wasn't returning I kept flipping through the remaining papers. My medical records. She wasn't trying to pamper me in that regard at least.

The following morning a doctor arrived as I was eating breakfast, placing her tablet on the small fold out table.

"I'm glad to see you're feeling better Miss Selena. Do you believe you can talk about…"

"Amputate the leg." I cut in, knowing what the doc was getting at. My voice was still rough so it came out sounding more aggressive than I intended… not that it seemed inappropriate.

Rising in a female world (infinite stratos X male reader; Vol 1)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ