CH 08 │Oath

197 13 307

"I should've known better that things don't always go as planned..."

"But I couldn't help but choose to hide everything."

Part 1

"Ah... I really can't bring myself to learn a few more songs,"

An exasperated sigh escaped Kyoko Mochizuki's lips, taking her hands off the keys of the piano. At first look, it seemed like a playful sigh as she closed her eyes for a moment. Snapping it open, her soft gaze was fixed at a certain frame at her shelf just behind her piano.

It had a photo of a happy family of three. The young and weak Kyoko sat on her masculine father's shoulder, with Kyoko's mom, a truly gorgeous lady beside her father. Each of them had wide smiles on their faces, their eyes filled with joy.

Kyoko could remember well why that photo was taken- it was the day when she, much to the doctor's surprise, was able to overcome leukemia along with a few more diseases. They believed that it was a miracle. And that day, it was Kyoko's first time again to see the outside world and the bright sun.

Oh, she wished that she could go back to those days full of joy.

"Mom..." Kyoko trailed, her gaze still focused on the photo. "Why did you leave so early?"

With that, Kyoko reminisced every single moment she had with her mom- each smile, laugh, cries, pain... she wished to never forget every single memory. After all, it was what her deceased mom left them.

Unfortunately, she couldn't find anything in her memories that indicates that her mom was proud of her.

Yes, she was a kind mother, yet Kyoko never felt such emotion from her, unlike her dad who was proud of her for being wise and intelligent, pretty much like him. Seeking her mom's acceptance, Kyoko independently and secretly studied the piano in hopes to surprise her by playing for her while she read books she loved.

Sadly, she never had the chance.

"Haha, can't believe I'm feeling this way now." Kyoko muttered to herself, grief in her eyes as she lowered her gaze.

Things couldn't go even worse when she tried to apply everything her mom taught her after her death. Being cunning, deceiving, and manipulative to bring the situation to her advantage.

Scratching off her thoughts, Kyoko threw herself to the mattress, an attempt to escape her depressing thoughts by sleeping. It was effective ever since, and she believed that it would be until she fully moved on from her mother's death.

Her room was organized to her tastes, as eccentric as herself. It was quite spacious for one person, emphasizing that her family never had a problem with finances. Apart from the bed table beside her bed, an intravenous pole was also present. On the wall was a dartboard, most of the darts at the bullseye.

Just like an ordinary room, the room had a few shelves and drawers, along with a large cabinet where her clothes are organized to their purpose. The rest were furniture commonly seen, an air condition, television, a computer and pretty much everything she needs.

Slowly, her eyes felt heavy, drifting into her sleep-

With her sharp ears, the unlocking of their front door was clearly heard by the girl.

She immediately snapped her eyes open, then proceeded to exit the room. She gently slid her fingers as she took step by step and carefully went down through their staircase that was evidently wide.

"Oh dad, you're here."

Kyoko's cerulean irises met the sight of a middle-aged tall and masculine man, his blue eyes meeting hers. Everything they said about Gilbert Mochizuki is true- his intimidating and absolute presence, especially his gaze and charisma was what brought him up to where he is now.

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