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Okay it's not my B-day my dad's birthday is coming up!! so I'm doing a special so I can say THE END to this book... If you want I'll make a sequel!!! I might because I didn't do when Ein would die! Anyways on with this SPECIAL!!!!!

(This is 1 year after the 'incident ')

Aaron's Pov
I paced and paced in my room. Aphmau we buying me more time to figure out how I was going to propose to Ashley. I laced until I looked at my guitar. I sighed and picked it up. I put it on my back and grabbed the ring. I sighed and got the SPOT ready. I finished it and ran to where Aphmau is. "and look there's Aaron bow!" She said and I walked up to Ashley . "Aaron! Aphmau said you had something very important to show me?" " Yeah! " I said and covered her eyes. "What are you doing?" She asked. " just keep your eyes closed! " I yelled I turned to Aphmau and she put her thumbs up.  I walked to the place with Ashley and pulled out the ring I sighed and pulled out my guitar. "Open your eyes now" I said. She opened and saw this wonderful field of flowers on the hill and a perfect view of the sunset. "Oh Aaron... It's Beautiful!" She said and I smiled . I started playing my guitar and she listened. She listened until it ended. "That song.... It was for you... And I mean to ask you something for these past years" I said she blushed and nodded . I sighed and got in one knee. "We've been dating for a few years now and... I've been wanting to..." she gasped. I sighed. " what I'm meaning to say is... I want to be more than just girlfriend and boyfriend. " is said. She started crying and put her hands over her mouth. "will you... Ashley Costello Bravura Will you Marry Me?" I asked. Ashley gasped and started crying more . "YES! YES! A THOUSAND TIMES YES!!!!" she yelled and hugged me I started crying myself... she said yes... She actually said yes!!..
We stood there hugging for a bit until she let go. "Lets get planning...." She said and I nodded. ..

8 months later.

It was now summer and it was my wedding day... Zane and Travis were helping me get dress. "Okay Aaron you look handsome!" Travis said and I nodded. " but remember your vows! " Sans said and I nodded. I walked out to the Wedding Chapel and stood there. Then.... Ashley walked down with Aphmau wearing the most beautiful dress... I blushed as she came down. The priest (said all that stuff I don't know what they say I've never been to a wedding!) and we said our vows. "You may now kiss the bride!" The priest yelled and I kissed her....

Ok now that is the end!!! Again tell me if I should make a sequel. comment it.. BYE MY SWEETS!!!!!

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