Moving to Mystreet

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Your Pov
Today was the day i move in with Aph. i changed my outfit and Dyed my ears and tail.

 i changed my outfit and Dyed my ears and tail

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I called Aph to see what she doing.
Call Pov
Aph: You ready to come to My street?
Aria: Yep did you prepare me a room?
Aph: You know I did btw you also share a house with Kaitlyn and Kawaii-Chan.
Aria: Yay I haven't seen them for a year.
Aph: Well you better get in your car if you wanna make it before night.
Aria: your right I'll talk to you When I make it their.
Aph: Byee!!!!
Aria: Byee
Both: Ttyl!!!
*End of call

Back to Your Pov
I walk to my car to notice a wolf lying on the ground beside my House. I ran to it and picked it up. It had a scar on its leg and scratches on its face and eye. I picked it up and took it to my car. It had ears and tail like me.

I grabbed a collar I had in my car cause I always wanted a dog

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I grabbed a collar I had in my car cause I always wanted a dog. I was a bit confused cause it had, wings. I realized and saw guys with lab coats run past my house. I quickly put the coller on it and put it in my car. I hopped in and drove off. I saw the guys running after my car so I slowed down a bit. I looked over to The wolf and smiled. I wrote Midnight on its coller and checked it it was a boy or girl. It was a boy and I didn't mind I actually wanted a boy dog.

Time skip to making it
Aphmau's House
I picked the wolf up and nuzzled it. Midnight's eyes opened and he purred. I could tell he liked me. I walk up to Aphmau's doorstep and knocked. Aphmau's quickly opened the door and greeted me. "What. Is That?!" She asks pointing to Midnight. "This is Midnight. He was a wolf and I think he got turned into...This." I say rubbing Midnight head. "Can you get me some bandages." I say and showed her Midnight's wound. She nods and brings me a first aid kit. "You do know we'll have to go to school right?" she asks while handing me the bandages. "Yep. That means more bullying. Only having 4 friends. Not wanted stuff like that." I say rapping the bandages on Midnight's leg. "And that means Run" she says. I felt my eyes turn red and my pupils turn to sculls. "Bandanna please." I say holding out my hand. She hands me my black bandanna and I put it on. "I'm going to bed I'm exhausted." I say it was noon and about turn midnight. I get up and placed Midnight down. Her fur Tues blue and she whimpers. I pick her back up and head up to my room. I go to my bead worrying about what could happen in my senior high school at Phd. (Phoenix Drop High) I went to sleep still worrying. I woke up and put on the Boy uniform instead of the girls it's what I do. I walk downstairs to see Nobody their. Aphmau's had gone without me so I had to walk alone. As I make it to Phd j saw a face I never wanted to see again........Ein I walked the other way and heard following footsteps. I got tripped and fell on the ground. I whimpered as Ein and his gang beat me up.W hen they were done I had a black eye and scars all over my arms and legs I ran to the music room and sang.

When I was done Singing I sat on a closed door and cried. "Why are you crying?" A calm manly voice came behind the door. "I've been getting bullied physically and mentally By Ein and his gang. I said crying. "You have a beautiful voice." The mystery guy says calmly. "I can play for you to cheer up." The guy says behind the door. "I would like that" I say. Then I heard a guitar play from behind the door I layed my head in the door and calmed down.

"Thank you." I say. "No problem. I like to play my guitar when I'm sad or mad." He says. "Well I gtg I hope I meat you again." I say to him. I get up and walk away and out the door. 'He's something special' I thought to myself as I walk to class. I was about to be late before I walked in. My seat was at the very back so I sat down and listened. My last class Was werewolf class I just put on my headphones and my favorite hoodie.

 My last class Was werewolf class I just put on my headphones and my favorite hoodie

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I sat in my seat witch was again at the back of the class

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I sat in my seat witch was again at the back of the class. I dude with a bandage on his face and a red bandanna sat beside me. "Students today is the day we fight for Alpha!" The teacher yelled. Everybody stood up and cheered except me and that dude. I got up and walked to the field. It was my turn and I had to fight Jenna. "I'll beat you and Win Aaron's heart!" She says. I smirked and take off my bandanna I had my eyes close cause I knew I was gonna get mad. She ran towards me and tried to kick me . I held her foot and swung her to the schools window. I heard people screaming and them I saw Jenna limp down towards me. I smirked as she said, "I- I will n- not lo- loose to a lo- loser like y- you!" I look at her and crack my neck 4 times. I Rand towards her really fast and punched her every side. I picked up a dagger and kicked her down. I held the knife towards her neck as she coughed blood. "ENOUGH!!" The teacher yells and run to Jenna. "Tch weak" I say and walk to the bench.
Aaron's Pov
The girl beat Jenna in less than a minute. She walks over to me said "Your turn mystery boy." I got up to see I was fighting Ein. I asked if I could use her dagger and she tossed it to me. "Get his blood on it for me." She says as I walk towards him. "Finally I can defeat you and prove Aph that she should be with me and hate that sister of hers." He says smirking . I just smirked back and held the dagger. He ran towards me and tried to punch me but I dodged it. I ran towards him and sliced his shoulder. He grunts but still stands. "Fine we'll have to do it the hard way" I say. "You think you can beat me?!" He says laughing evily. I smirked and ran around him. There was dust around until you could here Ein yell in pain. he had cuts everywhere. Everybody just Cheers and chant our name.
"Aaron Ariamau Aaron Ariamau Aaron Ariamau!!" They changed over and over again. "Here's your dagger back and there's the blood you asked for." I say tossing Arias. "Thanks Aaron." She says. 'for what?" I say confused. "For teaching Ein the lesson he deserved." She says. "No problem." She just smiles and hugs me and whispered "He's bullied me since I started freshman year so thank you.". I smiled and hugged back. "A- Alphas?" A green werewolf came towards us. "Yes?" We both say in unison. "Ate y'all nice cause Ein as aloha was mentally and physically bullying everywhere so they would obey him." He says. 'Well if he dose it again we'll make him omega okay?" She says patting the green werewolf's head. "Thank you!" He says hugging Ariamau." She hugs back and asks ' What's your name?" "My name is Daniel those two are my friends Dottie and Blaze." He says pointing to them. "Well your safe now no need to worry" I say patting his head. He runs of to his friends and Ariamau Chuckled. For some reason it sounded adorable to me. I shook the thought away and walked to the music room.

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