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                     After a week

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                     After a week

Antara: You know what?

Abhi: What?

Antara: Ravi asked me out on a date. I mean we have been on few coffee dates this week but a dinner date that too with his family is completely different.

Antara: I am freaking out Abhi. What should I do? What should I wear. Something traditional right? Abhi?

Abhi: Do whatever you like.

Antara: Is anything wrong? Are you Okay?

Abhi: Of course I am okay. Nothing is wrong.

Antara: Are you sure? Because I think something is wrong. Tell me if there is anything which is bothering you. We are friends right.

Abhi: Yes. Friends. We are friends that is why you told me about your coffee dates with your would to be boyfriend. Right?

Antara: Abhi I didn't mean to hide anything from you but this past week I was really very busy.

Abhi: I can understand you were busy with your love.

Antara: Abhi please stop saying like that. I had a lot of work load from school this week.

Abhi: You were so busy that you couldn't even text me. I was waiting for your messages. I bet that you were busy with him. Is he that nice?

Antara: Yes I was busy, is it so hard to understand and it wasn't because of some guy but because of my work. I thought you know how much important you are in my life, but No you have to prove that you are a jerk. Also yes he is nice atleast he is not an idiot unlike you.

Abhi: Whatever. I just don't care okay.

Antara: I just don't know what's wrong with you. Why the hell are you behaving like this? But if you don't care then I don't either.


How are you all? Another Short update.

So Antara likes someone else. That's nice.

What's your opinion on it?🤔
Poor Abhi.😣

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