i cant love you no more...

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After another hour of him laying on the floor buried in all his thoughts, Kion rose back to all fours and made his way back to the lair to meet up with his guard to get through patrol.  He had gotten there quickly since he didn't run very far. He entered and saw his guard standing there chatting amongst themselves. Ono looked towards the entrance and saw his leader come in.

"Good Morning, Kion". He greeted causing the rest of the guard to look at him. He looked tired and groggy.

"morning Ono, morning guys" Kion tried to greet sounding happy and motivated but failed and it came out as a mumble.

"Umm, Kion you ok?" Fuli asked her voice showing concern as did her face.

"Yeh I'm fine" he started whilst his head was searching for an excuse. "Just feel a bit sick" he lied.

"Are you sure you can still do patrol?" Beshte asked.

"Yep, should be fine. Let's get started" And with that the Lion Guard left for patrol throughout the hot savannah. All throughout the patrol Kion barley spoke and all he was thinking about was his parents. He repeated the words over and over in his head 'how could they'. He understood why they would not allow him to love Vitani, but having him be betrothed to someone he may not want to be mates with brought disgust to his face.

After spending all morning and afternoon patrolling the unusually quiet Pridelands, the lion guard go there separate ways. Bunga heads back to Timon and Pumbaa, Fuli went hunting, Beshte went to the water hole, Ono went to rest and Kion went to the border right between the outlands and the pridelands. He knew who would be waiting for him. He looked around but he couldn't find her until he heard a voice. A voice that he had learned to love.

"Hey redhead". Kion turned around to see her standing under a tree hiding in the shade. Kion walked over to her with a face full of sadness. She instantly noticed and her mischievous smile turned dull. "What's up with you?" She asked concerned.

"Last night I had an argument with my dad, I told him I was hanging out with you". He admitted. She was all the sudden afraid. "I can't be with you anymore, I'm sorry". He had a face full of tears and guilt.

"I see" she said in emotion pain. "But who's going to be the farther of our child?" Her words instantly rised his head and widened his eyes.

"Your pregnant?" Kion asked in shock in which he got a nod as a reply. "shit" was the only word he could mutter.

Kion X Vitani: Unlawful Love (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now