Chapter 19

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Good morning Lords and Ladies, students of all ages!
Welcome to the Second Task of the Triwizard tournament! Originally the task was suppose to take place in the lake but after review, it was deemed too boring. So today each of our champions will be preforming in an ever changing obstacle race!" cheers went around the stadium. "Points will be given on style, speed and accuracy. To keep it fair the newest broom model from America called the Starstream has been purchased for our champions. First up is the wonderful Fleur Delacour! Although she isn't a seeker for a Quiditch team she has won multiple trophies on the European racing circuit!"
The second task was a bigger success then the first. While it didn't have the life threatening awe factor it did show the skills of the Champions. Fleur had surprisingly came out in first place, although she did use her fireballs to hit the target instead of spells, it still counted. Victor came second and then Harry was in third. Cedric came in last only because he finished 10 seconds slower then Harry did.
Valentine's Day came and went, with all the excitement the future Potter family decided to have a nice shut in for the day. Although Harry did try to make it as special for them all as much as possible.
March blew in accompanied by heavy storms. When the Bulgarians received their weekly newsletter, it was quickly passed around. They didn't need translation spell to see what happened. The picture on the front page showed Dumbledore's body outside of Numengard. Fleur started reading out loud to the student body.
On February 7 , 1994 the body of Albus Dumbledore. Once renowned wizard for his defeat of Gellert Grindewald, was found dead outside of the feared prison. Papers found on his person detailed a plan to overpower the wards and break Grindelwald out of his prison. More details of the plan was to then return to England and kill one Harry Potter. The autopsy showed that Dumbledore's body was completely drained of magic. Further investigation determined that the wards had absorbed the magic he had poured into them." The hall was silent as she spoke.
"Well that was a bit anticlimactic wasn't it." Harry spoke up.
"What do you mean Harry?" Lavender asked from a few seats down. One of the major changes at Hogwarts was the fact that students could sit at any house table. The only time they were required to sit with their house was on welcoming and leaving feasts. This increased house cooperation and fighting between house had become almost nonexistent.
"I mean that I was kinda expecting to have to fight Dumbledore sometime in the future. To have him die like this, it's kind of underwhelming." Nods of agreements and understanding went around the table.
"I know what you mean. It's kinda hard to believe he died that way." Seamus spoke up.


The dark Lord Babymort knew something was wrong for awhile now. His spy at Hogwarts had not reported in, in months. He sat resting in front of the fire while his snake curled around him protectively. Suddenly curses were flying everywhere, he had no time to respond, but even in his weakened state he would not have been able to do it for long. His eyes shut again as he smirked to himself, they may have gotten him this time but he would have his revenge. He never noticed as Nagini's head was deprecated from her body. Down stairs a tied up Peter Pettigrew was being transported to the DMLE for questioning.
Unknown to the man who was once feared Aurors weren't the only ones on scene. Unspeakables from the department of Mysteries were tracking his soul. Had been for months. They were able to obtain and cleanse all four remaining soul pieces. There would have been five but the last piece that would have been in Harry had been removed after he had placed his Lordship rings on. Although he did not know this and while the ring was semi sentient it could not communicate to tell him of the removal.
Mother magic was happy and magic surged throughout the world. Balance had been restored.
While the future Potter family had a long way to go, nothing would stand in their way.
The farce of a tournament came down to the last task. A giant chess game, played in the Great hall. Harry might have been good at many thing but wizards chess was not one of them. First he lost to Cedric in 7 moves. Then Krum who had lost to Fleur, also beat him for third place. It was a seven hour battle between Fleur and Cedric, with the Hufflepuff coming out as the winner. The school moral was at an all time high. Lasting bonds had been made and an exchange program had been mentioned by the headmasters and Mistress at one point.

Sirius was officially pardoned by the Ministry of magic. Although he decided to stay in France with Fleur's cousin Aribella another witch with Veela blood.
Fleur after graduating went on to work for Gringotts London branch briefly then got her Mediwitch's liscence. She then went to work at Hogwarts as Madame Pomfreys assistant and then head of the Hospital wing after Harry's Graduation. After officially marrying Harry in September of 1998, it would be twenty more years before they had children. In 2018 the Oldest a Girl with her mothers white blond hair and crystal green eyes. They named her in tradition with his mothers family Amaryllis Lillian Potter. The second born, another girl but this time her hair was a strawberry blonde and her eyes were like liquid caramel. Something she had gotten from her paternal grandfather. Born in 2023 was Genevieve Jamie Potter-Delacour. Both girls had been sorted into Ravenclaw.
Daphne after graduating went on to get not only a potions mastery but also runes and charms. She had taken to revising potion to make them more efficient and easier to make. She and a Harry married in December of 1998. Their first child was born fifteen years later. A boy who had his fathers hair and his mothers sparkling purple eyes. Henry Thomas Potter, a boy who loved adventure stories. He was sorted into Hufflepuff. His younger sibling born in 2020 was his polar opposite. Curly red hair and bright green eyes. Edmund Anthony Potter-Greengrass was a quite and calculating boy and despite their thoughts that he would have been in Slytherin the hat had shouted Gryffindor almost immediately.
Susan and Harry Had married November of 1998. She went on to Auror training and was swiftly making her way up in the Department of Magical Law Enforcement. They had actually had twins in the summer of 2018.
A girl and a boy Phoebe Artemis Potter and Anthony Apollo Potter-Bones. They had been on Vacation in Greece when Susan went into early Labor. Seeing it as a sign the twins were named after the Twin gods. Phoebe was an exact replica of her mother, with strawberry blonde hair and bright blue eyes. Anthony however looked just like his father with black hair and green eyes. The twins went into Gryffindor.
Padma married Harry in the Spring of 1998 in India. She also had several masteries one of which was in Care of Magical Creatures, the others were in charms, potions and runes. She had opened up a creature shop in Hogsmeade. She later on became the new CMC professor at Hogwarts.
They waited a little longer then the others to have their first child in the winter of 2030 their son Aarav, meaning one who is peaceful or wisdom. Manvik meaning intelligence and kind hearted. Aarav Manvik had followed his mothers Footsteps into Ravenclaw along with his older sister. The next child didn't come along for another four years. Another boy, Nirav Rajiv Potter.
Nirav meaning calm and quiet.
Rajiv meaning successful. He followed Daphnes footsteps into Slytherin.
Hermione and Harry had married August 1998. After receiving masteries in charms, transfigurations, runes and care for magical creatures, she went on to rise through the rank in the ministry. Fighting for creature rights, she even did a brief stint as Minister.Having completed almost all of her life goals there was only a few left. Her and Harry had a girl first her name Rosaline Marie. Born in 2024, she was a carbon copy of her father with curly black hair and emerald green eyes. Her brother Derek Liam Potter was born in 2029. Both of the children had inherited their mothers intelligence but instead of Gryffindor both children had gone into Slytherin.
Harry had graduate Hogwarts and gained masteries in defense, charms and transfiguration. He had tried his hand at a number of professions, from being an Auror to professional quidditch. He supported his wives in what every they wanted to do with theirs between jobs and exploring the world with one another it made for a tight nit family group. He loved his children equally and when they started hogwarts he was proud of each of them. He eventually became the defense teacher and then headmaster. He lived to the ripe age of 167 before he died in his sleep his wives passing on before him. He had watch and helped care for his family, children grandchildren and great grandchildren alike.
He was a beloved figure in the wizard of world. His name would go down in history as Hogwarts best headmaster.

Padma's sons
Aarav-2030- Ravenclaw
Susan's children
Daphne's sons
Fleur's girls
Hermione's kids

Harry Potter and his freedomTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang