Chapter 18 (short)

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Location Dumbledore property Godric's Hollow
Albus Dumbledore was without a shadow of a doubt furious. Beyond furious if that was even possible. Shards of glass and broken furniture scattered around the sitting room. All of his carefully laid out plans were failing spectacularly. The Potter boy has some how found out about his lord ships and has managed to keep him from his castle.
The once revered man was spiraling into the darkness he dabbled in, in his youth. He knew of only one person who could help him, his old friend and Lover Gellert. He had kept their affair a closely guarded secret and had those who knew swear a vow of silence. He swore to himself he would gain his control back. Without a second thought he twisted his wand and apperated to Germany. He needed to figure out a way to break his last resort out.

In Hogwarts Castle safe from the hands of Dumbledore sat the four champions with their headmasters and the planning committee of the farce of a tournament.
Harry sat in between Fleur and the other two champions holding his head in his hands. They had been here for four hours already and the so called adults were still arguing. Cedric has pulled out a book, Victor had fallen asleep, Fleur had pulled out her wedding planner to get some of it sorted to the no, maybe, and yes pages.
"For the last time you old bat! We can't change the task this close to the date!" Bagman yelled at Mcgonagall. The man paled as he felt a wand digging into his throat.
"Mister Bagman, I suggest you apologize to the Headmistress before I silence you permanently." His voice was cold. As the whimpering man stuttered our the apology. "Now you are going to calm down and I will tell you exactly how the next task is going to go. We already had the perfect idea three hours ago but you wouldn't stop your bickering. I would like to remind you all that while Minerva is Headmistress, I And I alone control this castle and its grounds." He lowered his wand and went back to his seat nudging both Victor and Cedric to get their attention.
"Now you all seem to forget, Cedric Victor and I are all seekers and Fleur is a champion on the French racing circuit. The next task will be individual timed obstacle course on the quidditch pitch."
Fleur took over from there, "each champion will be riding the newest broom model that none of us has ridden before. The flyer will start off going through a series of hoops that are made to float in the air."
Then Cedric started, "they will also have to aim at targets while they fly. Points will be given on accuracy on the targets, the time in which it takes to complete the task and if they hit any of the hoops."
Victor spoke through his thick accent, "the hoop will be charmed to change color if the flyer touches it. There will be no hostages."
"But that makes it more exciting!" Bagman tried to argue. Harry glared at the man.
"Let me put it to you this way Bagman. If you so much as touch a student of any of the three schools for this competition other then us, I will use the full force of my power to have the last task a chess match and not a wizard chess match, actually that's a good idea. Headmistress do you remember that giant chess set you made my first year?" She gave a nod. "I believe I do know where you are going with this Lord Potter." She gave a Cheshire grin. "In his first year I created a giant chess set as protection for something Albus his in the castle. Lord Potter and his friends found it and played. If we do that then we can create three. First and third place will play each other and at the same time second and forth will also be playing. Then the winners will play each other."
Harry clapped his hands together, "well now that that is settled I do believe it's time for lunch!"

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