Chapter 15

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It had been a week since Dumbledores release from Gringotts when the sound of a bell chiming resonated throughout the castle. Thankfully it was during lunch so the teachers headed out to check the entrance to the school. Suddenly McGonagalls potrunus flew in front of Harry it spoke one word. "Dumbledore" Harry was out of his seat his betrotheds not far behind, and the rest of the school population behind them. Looking out over the grounds of Hogwarts was a sea of black with splashes of reds, greens, blues and yellows. As everyone made their way to the gate, they slowly came to a stop. Standing in shockingly purple robes with shooting stars designs was Dumbledore and to his immediate right the Minister of Magic himself.
"Ah Mr. Potter glad you could join us if you would be so kind to let us in." The minister spoke in his obnoxiously cheery voice.
"Lord." Was Harry's reply.
"I beg your pardon?"
"My name is Lord Harry James Potter. As you are not a lord you shall address me as befits my station." The minister tried to stammer out a reply.
"Harry my boy why don't you let us in so we can talk." The old coot opened his mouth. Harry smirked at the man.
"I don't think I will. You see these wards keep out anyone who bares ill will to anyone in this castle. Seeing as you are all outside that barrier means you are a danger to the students of Hogwarts and as the Lord of this castle, I can not let anyone or anything enter that might harm those under my protection." The smug smile was whipped off Dumbledores face.
"Now you see here boy! I am the minister of Magic you will turn over control of the school to someone the ministry seems fit.."
"Ha..who the ministry deams fit! The only thing your ministry knows how to do Fudge is how to keep innocent people in prison and even then you failed. This school has a headmistress and it always has and always will be out of ministerial control."
The mans face started turning a lovely shade of red at his embarrassment handed to him by a fourteen year old.
"Your reign as minister might be shorter then you first thought Fudge. If I was you I would be walking a very careful line. You see the people who have the power to remove you have been cut off from their funding how long do you think it will take them before they want both of your heads?" Harry turned to McGonagall as the bell chimes. "Well Professor I do believe it's time for class we wouldn't want to be late would we."
For the first time in any of the presents companies memory she laughed.
It wasn't dainty by any means but it had a trigger effect. Everyone started laughing some giggles others holding onto their.
Dumbledore and Fudge looked appalled and their entourage of aurors couldn't help let out a few snickers at the "powerful" men's expense.
"Oh yes minister, I forgot to mention one little thing." Harry turned his head and looked over his shoulder. "Your invitation time the Yule ball has been revoked. I can't have someone who consorts with child abusers anywhere near children. I do hope you understand. I mean if it wasn't for your association Im sure you would would have been in attendance ." Now the minister was glaring at Dumbledore.
The teachers quickly got everyone back to the castle and to class. It wouldn't be the last they saw of Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore.

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