Chapter 12

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Harry Potter's week had been going just wonderful. Other then now being Fleurs official husband. He had spent time with each of the girls taking them to various places outside of the castle on dates.
All of a sudden Hedwig dived bombed him with a letter from gringotts. His mood instantly turned sour.
Dumbledore had been released, by order of the ministry. Harry new that Dumbledore would be on his way to Hogwarts as soon as he could. He needed to warn Minerva. He took off flying down the halls not even caring that he was headed to class in the opposite direction. Pushing past people he took off down the stairs taking as many at a time as he could. Getting to the bottom of the stairs he almost ran into the witch he was looking for.
"Mr. Potter what is wrong? You should be in class." The witch exclaimed as he tried to catch his breath. He held up a finger.
"Dumbledore has been released." He managed to say between breaths.
"Mipsy!" The elf popped in. "Gather the heads of houses we have an emergency staff meeting in my office, in five minutes!"
"Yes, headmistress!" The elf squeaked out before pudding away.
The professors gathered in the office.
"What is so important that is could not wait until classes were over?" Shape drawled.
"It is, Dumbledore has been released from goblin custody. We must secure the castle. The Floo, needs to be shut off until a password can be implemented. The gates locked and the wards at full power. If he gets back in this castle he will change everything we've accomplished." Harry said passionately
"House fighting is at an all time low. As are detentions the highest ones being the Gryffindors but that's to be expected with the Weasley twins." Minerva said. Her mouth pressed into a deep frown.
"But how will we do this? Shutting down the floo and closing the gate is easy. But the wards they are tricky." Filius spoke contemplating what course of action to take.
"You can place as many as you can and I will be behind you to power them. After that they should be the strongest wards in Britain if not the world." Harry spoke.
After some talk it was settled each one would set a new ward. Sprout would place a ward that would only allow access to those who knew the password. Minerva would place a ward against animagi. Snaps against the dark mark and Flitwick against ill intent. His ward was the most complex it pertained to anyone who wished any being in the castle ill will or had deceitful intentions.
They went in to the heart of the castle where floated the the ward stone. With each of the professors standing in the four corners in the room that so happened to also be placed facing the directions of North, South, East and West everyone taking their positions with Harry standing in between Minerva in the North and Flitwick in the East. His sole job was to put power into the wards. The incantations started with Minerva then moved onto Flitwick then Sprout then Snape. Harry places his hands on the stone and poured his magical power into it. His body froze as he was pulled into a vision one that must have surely been the past.
Coming out of the vision he found himself in the hospital wing being surrounded busy friends and his lovers. "He's awake!" Someone shouted and all conversations dropped. Harry felt all the eyes turn to him
"Hello how long was I out this time?" He asked trying to make a joke. He got some chuckles but his smile quickly vanished when he recognized the looks on his girls faces. They were not happy, no not happy at all so Harry did what any normal person would do and pretended to go back to sleep.

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