Betrayed (Chapter 22.)

Start from the beginning

Me: "What are you thinking about?"

His eyes turn to me. He looks like he had just woken up from a daydream.

Shuichi: "It's nothing."

Me: "No, tell me!"

He smiles at me gently, seemingly happy that someone is caring for how he feels.

Shuichi: "It's just... I don't really understand how I'm feeling right now."

I walk over and sit down next to him. I lean my head on his shoulder and look him in the eyes. If anyone else were to at him like this, I'd honestly be surprised if he wasn't to die on the spot. However, he seems to be comforted by my eye contact.

Me: "Well, then describe them to me! I'm your girlfriend, so it's kind of my responsibility to try to understand and help you through your emotions."

Shuichi: "Thanks, Angel."

I give him a small kiss on the cheek.

Me: "You're welcome. Now, go on."

Shuichi: "A warning, this may sound weird to you. So, I just forgave Miu, Kiibo and everyone else who accused me of being the Mastermind. And I was telling the truth when I said that. I really do forgive them. However, even though I forgive them and I'm willing to move past it, I still just feel..."

He closes his eyes  and hangs his head down. He's probably just looking for the right word to use. He opens his eyes, and he turns his head so that he makes eye contact with me. The corners of his eyes are wet with tears.

Shuichi: "Betrayed..."

Me: "Shuichi, that's not weird at all. Just because you forgive them doesn't mean everything is suddenly sunshine and rainbows, it takes time to let go completely. And you have every right to feel betrayed. You were betrayed, and by friends as close as Kiibo, for God's sake! Don't be upset at yourself for not letting that go, because you shouldn't. Not yet, at least."

Shuichi: "...Yeah. Thanks, Kaede..."

Me: "Of course! Now, how about we get some lunch? You look like you're hungry, and I know that I am."

Shuichi: "Sounds great."

When we reach the cafeteria, almost everyone is already there. Kiibo and Kirumi are staring suspiciously at Shuichi. He clings tighter

Me: "Got a problem?"

Kiibo scoffs and looks away. It seems that Miu hasn't talked to him yet. Kirumi sighs and tilts her head down.

Angie: "Why are you two so upset?"

Me: "Seriously? You have the NERVE to ask that?"

Shuichi: "You t-told everyone that I was the m-mastermind..."

Angie: "Oh yeah! I did say that, didn't I?"

Me: "Uh, yeah! You did!"

Tenko walks over to us and pulls us aside.

Tenko: "First off, I'm sorry for blaming Kaito in there. Secondly, please bear with her. Angie... she usually speaks what's on her mind without thinking of the consequences."

Me: "Trust me, I can see that."

Tenko: "You're really bitter about this."

Me:"Gee, I wonder why? Oh yeah! Maybe it's because my lover is being accused of controlling the entire killing game!"

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