Part 2

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(star pov)

(hekapoo opens a portal and we all go though to tom's house so we can talk to marco when we get there I see something I wasn't expecting)

tom and marco: "we spiralled high on a gust o-"

(they see us and stop singing hiding the mics behind them)

tom: "hi guys h-how long were you there ?"

star: "are you 2 doing karaoke without me !?!?"

(they both look at each other from a moment)

tom and marco: "no"

that is a yes

eclipsa: "star before you kill both of them can we get back to why we are here"

tom: "ah yes why are all of you in my house is there something you need my mom and dad for"

eclipsa: "no no we achily came here to speak to marco"

marco: "with me ?"

eclipsa: "yes now have a seat and we can explain"

(we told him about the humans that had come to mewni and our talks with them as we keep going me and tom seem to note that he looks more and more worried once we finished)

marco: "tom"

tom: "ya"

marco: "can you bring me some paper and pencil"

tom: "sure"

(tom goes off and finds some while he does and while marco draws something)

marco: "did they wear things on there arms that had this on them"

(we all look and see the same thing that the humans wear)

star: "ya are you ok ?"

(marco eyes had gone hollow he than got up and walked quite oddly to the bathroom closing the door)

tom: "hey marco you o-"

marco: *throwing up*

star: "marco !?!?"

(i rush to the door and it opens he must have forgot to lock the door)

or he didn't have time

(i rush to him and try to keep him off falling over tom rushes over and grabs him as well there was vomit on his hoody we bring him back out once he was done we bring him back and lay him down on the couch)

eclipsa: "marco are you ok ? . . . is everything going to be ok ?"

marco: "no . . . nothing is ever going to be the same again"

hekapoo: "marco what do you mean ?"

marco: "if I'm going to explain this I need something star there's a big book I have from school can you bring it here"

star: "sure"

(hekapoo opens a portal back and I step though)

(marco pov)

this can't be happening if they are really here too take the world than . . . I really don't want to think about it

tom: "i'll go grab you a drink and maybe a blow just in cause you need to empty yourself again"

globgor: "so from what you just did I can guess that them in mewni is a very bad this"

hekapoo: "marco what are they ?"

(i just pointed at eclipsa and star comes back though)

marco: "your mother but far far worse"

rhombulus: "well good we can finally put those monsters back in their place"

(they look they stars about to say something but)

marco: "ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah !!!"

(i stop leafing but I'm still smiling)

i must look insane right now but I can't help it he is so stupid

marco: "you think they will "put them in there place" and you think they will stop at just monsters"

(I look around at them again)

good they are afraid that means they are lessening

star: "marco ?"

(i look at star)

marco: "oh hi star do you have the book"

star: "um yeah I do"

marco: "good bring it here"

tom: "hay I'm back here"

(tom handed me a drink and a blow and star gave me the book)

(star pov)

star: "wait before we do anything we should get my mom and tell her what's happening"

omnitraxus: "yes I think that's a good idea"

hekapoo: "I'll go explain everything and get her here"

(hekapoo goes and after a few minutes mom dad and hekapoo come back to the house mom holding a hoody)

star: "mama papa !!!!"

(i ran up and give them a hug)

eclipsa: "did hekapoo fill you in ?"

moon: "yes we also bought a new hoody for marco after we heard that he had thrown up"

marco: "thank you queen moon"

(marco took the new hoody and changed the hoody was blue which was odd to see him in)

river: "now marco can you explain who these hum-"

marco: "those are not humans !!! they lost that right a long time ago"

(mom dad and everyone even me and tom were shocked it just wasn't like marco to just snap like that)

marco i'm worried about you what could these people have done to make my bestie snap like that

star: "marco what happened ?"

marco: "it all started more than 100 years ago and the end of a war the second biggest war in human history world war 1 with 22 million dead over 4 years of hell"

star vs the forces of evil the unfinished war (dead)Where stories live. Discover now