liked by @lilxan and 825,277 others
@machinegunekelly think Cleveland killed @cammyrus


@tydollsign no wonder shes dead she was the life of the party

^@pnbrock so true g she was lit

^^@richthekid did you see her do the donuts in the front yard she crazy

@Mad_son Dude ive been looking for you all this morning and you were in the bath tub the fuq

@hater1 can you stop posting her ugly ass

@iamhasley kells look at my texts

^@halseyfan really starting to hate camila shes breaking you two up

^^@iamhalsey dont worry ill get him back

We were all in the living room playing with the Xbox. It was boys vs girls but I was sitting doing some different tattoo designs for rooks tattoo that I'm doing tomorrow. I got up from the sofa and headed through to the kitchen to get some water. I heard a small knock on the front door then suddenly I saw kells run pass the door like a kid on Christmas. "Hey sweetie" I could hear, as I walked out the kitchen into the hall, where kells was hugging a small girl. Once he put her on the floor she turned around and looked at me, she had the tanned skin and dark curly hair. "Oh my god your so pretty" I said as she blushed and kind of hid behind kells. He smiled at me then her. "Casie this is camila, cammy this is my daughter casie" he said.
"Hey"she said before we got interrupted by Rook. "Where's my favourite girl?" He said as he came and stood beside me. "Uncle rook" she said running up and hugging him.

We sat back in the living room while kells introduced her to the rest of the girls. Casie sat between me and kells as I finished off the tattoo design. "Your so good at drawing" Casie said.
"Thanks cutie, I was just thinking about how cool your nails were" I said taking her hand and inspecting her nails. "I done them myself" she said proudly.
"One day do you want to do mine?"I asked.
"I've got stuff in my room if you want to do it now?"she asked.
"Show me the way" I said as she got up and headed up stairs. "Bye guys about to get my nails done by the best" I said looking at kells as he had the biggest smile on his face.

We spoke for a bit about her life while she got all of her nail polish out. She honestly reminds me of a younger version of me. "So what colour nails do you want?"she asked.
"You decide, your the artist" I said. She looked at all the colours before her face lit up. "Is white okay?" She asked. I nodded. "So, when did you and my dad meet?" She asked.
"Not that long ago actually, maybe 5 days or something" I said she looked up at me shocked . "I met him at one of his concerts in LA, he told me to meet him after the show but I never waited. Me and the girls were messing around out front when he tried to get our attention by shouting at us. We all thought we were getting in trouble of something so we all ran away." We both laughed. "No way" she said. "We somehow needed up in the same club later that night he saw me and came up to me then since then we haven't spent a day without each other since" I continued.
"That's crazy, so do you like my dad?" She asked.
"Yeah, I mean we have only known eachother for a couple days but i would consider him as one of my good friends already" I said.
"Good, your not like the other girls he usually hangs about with. You actually paid attention to me." She said, I instantly felt so sorry for her. Only knowing her for less than an hour I would already think of her as a little sister or even a daughter, I just want to protect her. "Really?" I said.
"Yeah they never pay attention to me or they hate me because he cares more about me than them. It makes me feel bad all the time. Even at school I get bullied because of the fame and all that" she said before I stopped her cutting her off. "Never ever feel sorry for wanting to spend time with you dad. Your a really nice loving person Casie, don't let anyone make you feel bad for who you are. Your dad loves you so does the crew. Dam even I do" I said before she lunges forward giving me a hug. "Thank you so much, love you too camila" she said into my ear. "Call me Cam or cammy" I said. "I really like you and my dad together, I know he struggles with commitment and relationships just give him time and just don't leave him" she finished before going back to painting my nails as we talked about her for a bit.
She had just finished my nails, "I want to go show my dad" she said as she began to drag me down stairs. "Daddy look at Cammys nails" she said as I showed him them. The boys stared to giggle a bit. "You kells Casie done you dirty" Rook said.
"I'm confused" I said.
"That's for kells to say not me"Rook said.
"I ain't saying shit" kells said.
"Someone tell me" I said.
"Well, one night kells was very drunk and decided to tweet 'white toe nails' with loads of the licking face emojis" Dub said. I laughed. " I love that girl so much, she is defo your daughter" I said looking at kells. His face was a little red.

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