Ask or dare ((Pt.11)

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Me: You know what time it is!

Me: You know what time it is!

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Me: soooo..... almost everyone didn't want to play except the originals and Mike since everyone else is busy doing their own things (either that or there are legit too many characters for me to type them playing hide and seek)
Mike: I'll be it
Chica: Okay! Count to 10 while we go hide!
Mike:Okay! ~starts counting~
Originals: ~runs and hides in different places~
Mike: ~done counting~ All right I'm coming whether you're ready or not!
Mike: ~finds Foxy first~ Found you!
Foxy: Dang it!
Mike: Looks like your making someone pizza!
Foxy: ;—;
Mike:hmm.... ~finds Chica next~ Chica! I found you!
Chica: aww man!
Mike: now let's find Freddy and Bonnie (Forgot to say golden Freddy was also busy)
Mike: ~Finds Freddy~ Found you! Now Bonnie is left.... ~sees Bonnie's ear poking out from his hiding spot and goes and sees him~ Found you!
Foxy: Well Bonnie looks like I have to make you a Pizza ;—; Chica are you okay with me using your kitchen?
Chica: sure I guess since you wouldn't be able to make a pizza without the ingredients
Mike: Mhmm
Foxy: ~goes into kitchen makes the pizza then comes back out with the pizza and gives it Bonnie~ Here you go
Bonnie: ~tries the pizza~
Foxy: .......
Bonnie(sign): Not bad!
Foxy: Wow thanks!
Me: well anyways that is all for now so bye!

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