Mike's depression ((S.2 Pt.4))

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Chica's POV
I had just finished fixing Mike's arms and now he is offline.......Foxy is watching over him....so it shouldn't be a problem....I hope......I decided to deactivate..........
=================in the morning=====================
Foxy's POV
I was awake all night and was pretty tired Mike then woke up..... 'Foxy....are you okay you look tired...' he said looking at me while blinking 'Huh- Oh, I'm fine Mike! Don't worry!' I replied nervously 'Foxy.....go to sleep' he said 'But.....I need to preform for the kids that come in today!' I said back 'We will just tell them you're in maintenance!' He replied back 'Alright I said falling asleep........
Chica's POV
I had just activated and started making pizza for my friends and the children that would be coming in today I have to make a lot of Pizza's today....it's gonna take a while.....*Hopefully I can get it done before the children show up....* I thought to myself continuing to Make the Pizza's.....*This is gong to be a busy day* I thought to myself sighing.......
To be continued...
Heyyy! Part 5,6,and 7 will be out soon!

Minecraft FNAF storiesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora