6 | part two

59 15 69

I have Jord's text from that afternoon with the location of Patrick's house, where they're throwing the party

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

I have Jord's text from that afternoon with the location of Patrick's house, where they're throwing the party.

Even though it's outside my neighborhood, close to Washington Town, biking there wouldn't take me more than fifteen minutes.

I make multiple turns biking around the neighborhood. To pass time until it's late enough for me not to arrive there too early.

If I am honest with myself, I can't wait to get there, but it's out of the question to let people from school know that by showing up too early. You never want show that you're too excited. I have to get there eventually though.

I bike to the location. At my arrival, I check the time: 10:12 pm. The house seems huge, almost the size of a villa, with big trees all around. The music being played reaches my ears faintly.

I find a spot to fasten my bike and begin walking towards the house.

Looking from the exterior, the place already seems packed with students. And I hear the chattering despite the rap music playing.

There's a senior at the entry gate whose name I can't remember. He's tall. Judging by the way he folds his arms against his chest and looks at me with a frown, it is clear that he's trying to look menacing.

When I go past him, I exhale internally. I was almost sure he would keep me from entering, like they do in the entries of discos and night clubs. I keep walking.

The kitchen door is open. There are a couple of sophomores and a junior that I recognize next to the sink. There's a girl with her hands wrapped around a senior's neck. His hands are placed on her butt. You can tell she's already tipsy. Yikes.

The way to the living room is past a plastic, green curtain. I clear my throat and step in, moving the curtain aside.

I guess they were going to play rap music all night. That's a shame, considering that I spent so much time mentally rehearsing my K-pop moves.

I keep moving slowly but have to halt when I spot Mara through the transparent glass door giving to the garden. Seeing her feels like a stab to my heart. I thought she wasn't planing to come.

She has a bottle on her hand and she's smiling. She's. . .joyous, like she hasn't been ignoring my texts and phone calls for the past days.

When does someone you know change so much that you're not able to recognize them anymore? I always thought that only happens over time. Years, decades. Still, here I am, unable to understand what is happening to us.

I can't be wrong about our four years of friendship. I mean, we've said several times that we were best friends. We are best friends.

Is our friendship too fragile to survive my confusions and whatever is going on with her? If only she could tell me.

wow...cindy, no | lgbt+Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat