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"Yes my dear."
"Where is my red pair of shoes which nanny has sent me over in the last christmas"

This is 3times in a row Katy has asked her mother for her red floral shoes. Probably she is the only girl in her school who is wearing the same pair of shoes since they've started going in pre-school. It's been two years now. Katy's toe can barely get fitted into it.
And Katy is growing up. Just like other children in her class.

"Those red pair is for occasional usage baby. I'll get you a new one soon." 
"How soon mommy? My feet hurts."
Katy's mother sighs. 5minutes later, Katy's school bus arrives.

Her mother kisses her goodbye and with that their another day takes start.
She put off her kitchen apron. Then take a hot shower. Changes clothes and cover herself in plain long sleeved baby blue tops and knee touched skirt. Finishes her coffee and starts for her job.

She arrives at her work exactly at 8:45 am. 15minutes more until any customers steps in.
"Appetite" is the name of the cafeteria where she works in. It's been almost a year she is working here. Before that, she used to work in a local library. But since they've moved in Jamaica last year, the library seemed a little too far away from their home.

"Good morning Lilly."
"Morning Mr.Huisman." Mr.Huisman smiles. He is the owner of this cafeteria for last 25 years and it is running with a great profit. Beside that, 'He is a happy man. Happy with his business. Happy his with life. Happy with everything and everyone.' As people who knows him would say. Even Katy would say this too. She loves Huisman.

Once UpOn a Time with Alex 🌸 Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя