Leaving a few moments after her because I had to wait and hear the "men should never lay hands on a female, no matter what" talk, I glanced down the supposedly empty hall to spot a figure behind a block of lockers.

It's her.

I promptly turn on my heel and take great strides in the opposite direction. A quick glance behind me, though, catches (Y/N) walking away from me as well. But not before turning her head a bit to mouth 'I love you' with a seducing wink.


My eyes take in the jagged cut that graces her hole and I feel a shift in my entire being. It's like I don't know how to think anymore. Just feel and react. And what I'm feeling right now is mania, butchery, and a need for domination. Domination of the things that I know belong to me. My eyes focus on the frightened girl in front of me and I know that she is one of those things. She's got to be captured. She's got to be broken and tamed, made to bend to my will so that she knows no one else is allowed to touch her, to set eyes on her. My feet move to ensnare and she backs away, the action seeming to only pull me deeper into this frenzy. Where the fuck does she think she is going?

I take another step forward, desperate to claim what belongs to me and she retreats yet again. How dare she pull away, cover herself, hide from me? My head cocks and I prepare to pounce, to show her where the fuck her place is. Beside me, under me, writhing in pleasure and pain...

...when she abruptly moves from the bed where I plan to take her and bolts out the door.

To say the beast in me became irate would be an understatement. Immediately, my limbs are moving, storming behind her. The door of my bedroom damn near smashed to bits as I yank it open and pursue her down the hallway. She's scared and I can smell her fear as I get closer, her not being able to move as fast as she wants. Almost at the stairs, I reach out and grab her by the arm, wrenching her around to face me before taking her lips in a kiss full of possession and need. A need to punish, a need to infiltrate, a need to brand.

She doesn't push or pull, knowing that she is mine and I feel the beast ebb back some, not having to fight her for control. It's when her whimpers bleed through into my rational mind that he begins to back off completely, jurisdiction over my own body and mind returning to me.

I pull away and look down into her tear-filled eyes, moisture covering her pinked cheeks as she stands with pursed lips, determined to give me what I want even through her pain.

"Oh, baby, I am so sorry. I didn't mean to and I would never... You've got to know that, baby. Please, please forgive me," I quickly beg for her absolution. "I...I just saw the tearing and wanted so badly to hurt something. But it's not you, baby. It could never be you."

I kissed her cheeks and eyes and nose and chin, avoiding her lips because I had already been so rough on them. She sobbed into my chest as we stood at the top of the stairs before finally letting me walk her back to my bedroom. On the bed, she curled into herself and wouldn't talk or look at me and I couldn't blame her. I had almost done exactly what I said I wouldn't do. I felt like a wretched human being to have put her through that, frightened her so, after what she had already endured. I stood over her, internally degrading my own behavior before moving into the farthest corner and slinking to the floor.

It was well past midnight when she woke me from my sleep, my body cold, cramped, and uncomfortable having been lying on the floor. Taking my hand, she pulled me up and walked me to the bed. Sitting me down, she sat beside me and placed her head under my chin, instinct wrapping my arms around her lithe little body. She took a few shuddering breaths as if she had been crying for a long time and I squeezed her a bit harder into my side. She moaned and pulled in closer, her lips reaching up to find mine and lay simple, sweet kisses that sent currents of electricity trickling down my spine. Without words, I knew that she had forgiven me, that she was still my girl.

I laid back with her in my arms and she began to draw circles with her fingers against my naked chest. The atmosphere was perfect, the love between us being felt.

Then in a whisper buried in a mixture of devilment and pain, she said...

"Jimin, we need a plan."


Unbeknownst to the ginormous piece of shit, I caught him watching our little show. Taehyung sat propped up against a pillar behind the majority of students and seemed quite enchanted by the words being spewed from my love. They called to him, pulled him in, gave him a false sense of hope and security. I couldn't help but to bear a smile as big as my cheeks would let me as what he felt was a personal triumph...

...was just the beginning of his snare.

"Yeeeeeeeees, yeeeeeeeees Taehyungie."

'Come into my parlor said the spiders to the fly.'

Obsession (Jimin FF) ✔Where stories live. Discover now