Have You Ever Fought Galra? || 11

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3rd Person POV


Hello hello hello! Welcome back goofy goobers! I hope you're all doing well! While quarantine continues I'll write as much as I can, but here's a crazy thing; this book hit 500 reads in just about a week! Thank you all so much, and I hope you enjoy this chapter of Candid White!

P.S. I'll be referring to the lions themselves as their colors now that all the lions have been activated.


Shiro had left Y/N with her lion shortly after looking over her condition, making sure she was in good shape before taking themselves on the journey to the hangars. The man was anxious, standing like an ant among the lions of Voltron who held their paladins just beneath their mechanical shells. One by one, the yellow eyes of the five colorful lions up a blinding yellow, the mechanical creatures coming to life with Shirogane in the center of it all. While the lions sat obediently, almost like a dog would, the light to a large door lit up with a beautiful sapphire blue that left the leader-like man in awe as it opened to reveal his lion. Inside the previously found lions Lance, Pidge, Keith, Hunk, and Y/N all watched with widened eyes, scanning the slightly larger figure of the black lion. The light glared off the lion as its eyes came to life, presenting the same bright yellow shown by the others.

Suddenly, the lion produced a ferocious roar, leading the others to stand and roar with him. Following its command, the other lions stood with the black lion and let out their own roars of pride. Allura, relieved at the sight of the black lion on her screen, sighed while Coran cheered happily. At least until the Galra appeared. Red lights went off in the control room, live video of the Galra fleet entering the atmosphere contrasting against the room's baby blue grid. "Sendak is entering the Arusian atmosphere!" Allura exclaimed, "We need Voltron, now!" She ultimately continued, glaring at the grid just as Shiro was entering the head of his lion. Black roared loudly before shooting upward, the other lions following just behind him. The six of them shot from the top of the castle, not stopping for a second before shooting to the ground. They each landed perfectly, the Black and White in the center with Red and Blue to their right and the others (Green and Yellow) to their left.

Quickly the drones began their attack, their target becoming the particle barrier that surrounded the castle. They had gotten the ion cannon back up.

Blinding purple filled the sky, the ion cannon crashing to the grid-like barrier and surrounding it in orange, fiery light. The ground shook violently, Allura, Coran, and the paladins gripping something to keep them steady as they grunted at the force. Orange illuminated their closed eyes, their lions and their own bodies shaking. Suddenly the brutal force stopped.

"Those Galra fix things fast!" Hunk said in surprise, Lance nodding in agreement.

"The barrier gets weaker with every blast! Once that shield goes down, the castle will be defenseless!" Coran interrupted, directing his eyes to Allura. She nodded.

Allura closed her eyes, sighing in frustration. "I can provide the castle's defenses for a while, but you have to form Voltron now or we'll be demolished!"

"Mhm. No flipping pressure." Y/N grumbled, rolling her eyes and keeping her head forward. Then, the canon shot again, producing the same pressure. Shiro grunted into his mic, his head down as the ground shook.

"Listen up team Voltron!" Shiro began, determined. "The only way to succeed is to give it all you've got! This looks bad, but we can do this! Are you with me?" He finished, his lion raising it's head. The whole team nodded.

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