|39| Death

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I've been fantasising about the end
for some time now—
the sweet bliss of nothingness
ebbing the pain of the present.

I've been waiting for an escape,
one that's not so transient,
anything is better than this
anything at all.

life has taken a toll on my head,
my vision, a tunnel of darkness.
the pinks and blues, they no longer exist
forging into a blanket of abyss.

lately I've been seeing a sunken eyed girl
a river of hollowness flowing inside of her
going about the motions of life.

stark void throttles me
I'm that girl, yet that girl isn't me.

but I've been at the pit of the chasm before,
buried deep within the black and white,
and I'd clung onto the flash of colours,
and made it out alive.

how can I take away life from me
when life is all that I am?
how can I stop fighting now,
when I've fought all this time?

the dread of existing in space as mere energy
is sending me into sleepless nights.
I don't want to stop fighting,
I've almost made it to the peak.

so now when the end might not be so far-fetched,
when apocalypse is no longer an idea too inconceivable
and death is standing at the pedestal,
my hands freeze at the door knob.

stark terror envelopes me
I can't let death in,
I can't let this end.

so with my heart pounding hard
I seal the doors shut
and through the peephole I let death know,
"I'll meet you when it's my time.
but for now, I need to fight.
before I go, I have to live this life."

Words UnsaidNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ