I quickly left where I was standing with tears almost dropping from my eyes. I went to the ladies and washed my face. How'll I be crying for a boy? I don't cry for boys or anyone at all.

When I was sure I was good to go, I left the restroom. The bell for the end of break suddenly rang on my way to class.

"Were you looking for me?" I heard someone say behind me. I turned to see William standing with a huge smile plastered on his face.

I always find it hard to pretend so I didn't even bother pretending.

"No, sorry I wasn't." I said, walking away.

"Hey Zara, what's wrong? Did I do anything wrong?" He asked, holding my right hand.

"No, you didn't. Can I go now?" I took my hand from his and left him there.

I got into class and everyone was preparing for our next class. My mind wasn't even on what the English teacher was teaching. I didn't know why I suddenly felt angry and very emotional.

I was making the kiss a big deal. Besides, we weren't even dating right?

The bell for the end of school soon rang and I left for my hostel. Immediately I got to my room, I took off my uniform and went to the bathroom to have my bath. I did all I needed to do and went down to the dining for lunch.

Derin was sitting at Angela's place on my table while Angela replaced her. I sat down beside her and huffed.

"What's wrong? That huff was real deep." She asked, holding my hand.

"Well, remember when I left the class during break?" She nodded. "I saw William kissing Glory in his class. I just didn't know how to feel."

"Oh my goodness!! You really like William." She squealed, getting the attention of almost everyone in the room. I put my hand on my face and bent my head. " Oh I think that was why he was asking me why you seemed off when he was trying to talk to you."

I scoffed. "I'm not interested in what he has to say. We aren't even together so it's not important." I said, playing with my fingers. Derin was extremely quiet and I had to look at her to know what was going on.

She was looking at me with a big smile on her face. "What? Your smile is creeping me out!"

"You're in love with him but you're still in denial. I'll advice you like a sister, just talk to him about it. It may even be possible that you misinterpreted the situation. I know he loves you too, please don't waste such a nice love story." She giggled at her advice.

I rolled my eyes and got ready for lunch. We were done eating and I left Derin to go and look for Wendy. I really needed to see what she wanted to show us.

I got to her room and her roommates said they haven't seen her anywhere. I told the twins and Derin and we went to look for her round school and the hostel.

When we couldn't find her, we went to our spot to have our normal meetings.

"Where did she disappear to now? So when we need her, we don't see her but when we don't need her, she just shows up. That's fucked up please." Ziora said, hitting her hand on the wall.

I sat down on the bed, biting my lips. "This thing is weird. I know she didn't lift my hopes up for her to just disappear. I feel she knew something very important."

Derin's tab suddenly rang and we all turned to look at her. She looked at the tab and looked at us again.

"It's a video call. Should I pick? What if it's a virus or something?" She said, biting her lips and I knew she was contemplating if she should pick up or not.

"Just do it, Derin. Let's know who's on the other side." Ziora said, walking towards Derin.

Derin picked up her tab and answered the call. We all went to stay behind Derin and we saw Wendy in a small room, shivering. She put on a grey hoodie and her lips were dry.

"Wendy what's going on? Why aren't you in school?" Derin asked.

"I just have a short time to say this. You guys have to be very careful and know that Anita isn't you guy's friend. And I think I know who killed Kay Kay." She said, looking round.

"Who's behind Kay's death?" Ziora asked.

The call began to crack and Wendy's voice became inaudible. Her phone suddenly dropped and a masked figure looked into the camera before the call dropped.

"Guys, I think Wendy is in big trouble." Derin said, with her eyes wide opened and her hands gripping her tab, shakily.

Hey guys, so I got tired of being lazy and I just had to drop this chapter. Thanks for being patient with me. I'll try to update faster now plus the book is almost coming to an end.

So how was this chapter? Hope you liked it. Please don't forget to vote and comment. Thanks guys!!!!

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