chapter 3

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Chapter 3

When I woke up the next day I showered and dressed before heading downstairs. I had put on yoga pants and a baggy t-shirt as a big fuck you to my mother. I hadn't even bothered to brush my wet hair. I knew she would have a fit if she saw me. She would say that I should be trying to impress Edward, but I couldn't care less if he was impressed or not. I hadn't asked for this wedding.

I found Edward and Marcus sitting at a breakfast bar in one of the kitchens. In the light of day, Marcus almost looked like a different person. He had a hard face, a full beard and a scar on his right eyebrow. If I was honest, he looked intimidating as hell. I certainly knew he wasn't someone I wanted to get on the wrong side of.

"You're awake," Edward said. "I've made you breakfast. It's in the warmer if you want to help yourself."

"I'm not hungry," I muttered. That was a lie. I was starving, but I didn't want to eat anything he had made. I was being petty, but I didn't care. I saw the coffee cup sitting in front of him and looked around the kitchen until I spotted the coffee maker. I would definitely need some liquid gold to get through a day with him. I walked over to the coffee maker, picked up the pot and poured myself a cup

"Did you sleep well?"

"Just peachy," I said, glaring at him. How the hell did he think I slept? He had practically kidnapped me and taken everything from my previous life away from me. I lifted my cup and turned to walk away. I really wasn't interested in making small talk with him, or any kind of talk for that matter.

"Wait," he called after me, "I have something for you." He came after me and handed me a cell phone and credit cards. The cell phone was exactly the same as the one he had thrown away yesterday. It even had the same cover. He smiled at me as if I was supposed to be impressed. I wasn't. I slide my finger across the screen and looked around it before checking out the contacts. There was only about five of them on it and I only recognized two of them, him and Marcus.

"Where are my parent's numbers?" I asked, looking up at him. "And Kate's?"

"You won't be needing them."

I scoffed at him. "What the fuck do you mean I won't be needing them? They're my fucking family. Of course I'll need them."

"I'm your family now."

He made my blood boil. "You are not my family, nor will you ever be!" I yelled, throwing the cell phone at his fucking head. He barely managed to dodge out of the way. "You can keep the fucking cell. I don't want it, and as for these," I said, looking down at the credit cards to see the name, Isabella Marie Cullen. "This isn't even my real name." I flicked them at his face and turned to leave, but he grabbed my arm.

He looked pissed, but he was trying hard not to let it show. "It will be your name in two weeks."

"Don't remind me," I muttered, trying to pull my arm away, but he refused to let me go.

"My mother and sister have invited you out for lunch today. They want to go over the wedding plans with you."

"Of course they do."

"Marcus will take you to meet them."

"I can find my own way."

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