・By Your Side・

Start from the beginning

"Bye Nishimiya, bye Sahara!"
"Bye-bye!" Sahara yelled waving, while Nishimiya waved along as well. (Y/n) smiled and begin walking. As she turned a corner she bumped into somebody. Oof! "Huh?" the fallen girl looked up to see (g/n). (G/n) has... tears at the edges of her eyes. "(G/n)?" The heart broken girl looked at (y/n) and all the sudden snapped. (G/n) pounced on top of her, screaming, "This is all you fault!" (G/n) punched, drag, pushed, and kicked, anything she could do to harm the person that took away her crush. She was lovesick. Such a young age to be lovesick. The backpack was kicked away and everything started to roam out.
Ishida and the gang were walking by and found the terrifying sight. "Omg (y/n)!!" Kawai cried in fear. "Guys, we gotta help her!" Ueno yelled out. "Oh my god..." Ishida's eyes widen. Shimada stood there, legs trembling, but his heart told him to run, run and save her. Without a second thought he dashed towards the (y/n). "Wait up!" Ueno yelled. Everbody ran behind him anxiously.

(Y/n)'s POV
Everything hurts. I took another beating to my face. I'm scared. I got kicked to the side. "Stop it!!" Shimada? Shimada please come save me. I'm scared. I can't speak. I can't call his name. I heard a bunch of more footsteps. Are they my friends? Please save me, anybody... I turned my head slightly. I-i see them, in the distance. They're so far away. I was going in and out of the darkness and trying to keep my focus. Who knew such a pretty and confident girl would be this strong? The sun blinded my eyes as (g/n) smacked me. Man- I just wanted a nap today. I looked up into the sky, with blood dripping down my chin.

Third POV
The worried friend group was getting closer and closer until they saw the scene. They were still some yards away. Hirose was sick to his stomach. "Omg..." he said under his breath as he running. The sight was almost unbearable to look at, especially for Shimada. (Y/n)'s nose was gushing with blood, bruises were already starting to form on her delicate skin and her pretty locks of hair were messed up. Her things were all over the ground. They won't make it in time before something bad happens. Shimada's hearts ache so much that it felt like physical pain. (G/n) grabbed (y/n)'s hair and yanked up the poor, beaten up girl. "You stole him away from me! You deserved this!" she kept yelling and yelling. Her screeched wasn't bad enough as the hair being yanked though. Scissors were laying in the sun, waiting for its usage and well, (y/n) needs it's usage right now. She reaches for the scissors as she could feel each piece of hair detached from her scalp. The gang finally reached them. "Omg (y/n)!!" Kawai cried in a high pitch voice. "Stop it! Let her go!" Shimada yelled. "Come on!" Ishida added, genuinely worried for his friend. (G/n) immediately recognize that lovely voice. She looked up to see her crush, mad, wait not just mad, furious, full of rage. "Sh-sh-Shimada..." (g/n) stuttered under her breath. It was too late, (y/n) could take the yanked hair and the aching body anymore, she could care less of what she was about to do.

She freed herself, by chopping off her hair.
(If you have shorter hair, like a hair bob or a pixie cut, I suggest pretending you have long hair. Thank you!)

Everything went in slow-mo. The (h/c) locks flew through that air as (g/n) fell backward with silky hair still in her hands. As (y/n) was finally freed, she landed on the ground. She couldn't sit up. Shimada's eyes widen, but he dashed right next to his unconscious friend that he loved. He put her head on his lap and slightly picked her up, moving the uneven hair out of her face. She was bruised head to toe. She opened up her crystal eyes and quietly said, "Hey don't worry..." she smiled and blank out. Shimada hugged (y/n) close and looked at (g/n) with a disgusted look. "Stay away from me and (y/n), you hear?" Shimada said in a low monotone tone voice, intimidating (g/n). He held (y/n) close till help arrived.

(Y/n) woke up in the hospital. She ended up with a broken arm and a bruised body. Next to her bed, a worried boy, who we sleeping. "Shimada?" she ran her fingers through his hair. He immediately woke up. His eyed slowly opened and he looked up. His sleepy eyes went up in shock and he jumped up and hugged her. "Y-you're awake!" he hugged her tight. She smiled and placed a kiss on his forehead. Letting go, his hands instantly went up to the warm sensation on his forehead. A spread of blush has crossed his cheeks. "Hey! You don't have your dressing shirt." (y/n) pointed out noticing that Shimada was just in his T-shirt. "You have it." she looked down and blush 50 shades of red. She didn't even notice. She tugged on it slightly, "Did you save me?" (y/n) looked at him. "No, I'm sorry, I.. I couldn't make it in time." "What do you mean? You stayed by side didn't you? Shimada you were there for me when I needed you there the most." (y/n) said with confidence, still with a pinkish blush. Shimada smiled as his heart started to flutter. "Also, Ueno and Kawai apologize too. They told (g/n) that I-i..." Shimada stopped, almost confessing. "What were you going to say?" "Nothing important, you should rest a bit." the boy said changing the topic. "And (g/n) won't bother you anymore, she's expelled. I made sure of it." "Ok." the tired girl laid down and looked at Shimada. "Thank you for being by my side, Shimada." right after that sentence she instantly slept like a cute little pig. Shimada looked at her resting face, his heart was beating uncontrollably fast. He had to go home, his parents would worried. He caressed her face for a couple of seconds before heading off. He made a promise to himself and to her:

I will always be by her side.

The End


Readers! You made it out alive! Thank goodness you are strong. Sorry gotta experience the wrath of (g/n), but at least Shimada was by your side and always will be. I have noticed the little dots I use as my dividers do not go completely across the page on computers or laptops, I type these dots on my phone so it goes all the way on the page on my phone.   Also the number of reads has really shot up. Thank you. Also thank you for the votes, I appreciate them a bunch! Thank you for reading this story and I will see you next time. Bye!


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