Chapter 14: Rolex

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"Where will he sleep?"

That is Bright's first question. I heaved a sigh before taking the seat next to him.

"In the guest room." I quickly said and watched his reaction.

"Do you really have to take him in?" he asked with his hopeful eyes. I nodded and now he looks really defeated.

"Bright..." I softly said and tapped his shoulders. "We're all good, right?"

"Yes." he replied and looked at me. "I'm just worried that he can do things I can't." his sudden confession surprised me.

"What?" I chuckled a bit because I find it really cute.

"Damn! I'm being so clingy I don't even know why!" he said, exasperated as he ran his fingers through his hair. "I'm sorry. I'm just... acting really weird." he warily said as he smiled at me bitterly.

"I understand. Who will not worry if a handsome man like Aziel would come, right?" I playfully said and he immediately threw me daggers.

"What did you say?" he growled and in just a snap of a finger I am now face to face with him, his legs locked mine in a very protective way while his hands found its way to my sides as he leaned closer. "That man is handsome?"

"Oh... Someone's grumpy." I teased him more and raised an eyebrow.

"Say another compliment to that guy and I will really tie you in bed until you beg for mercy." he whispered in gritted teeth.

I can feel my hot cheeks burning as he leaned closer to plant a light kiss on my neck.

"Bright! Someone might see us!" I hissed and he chuckled before he faced me.

"Do you think Auntie Mina will let me sleep over if I say that we will do a paper?" he smirked like a crazy dog. Damn this man, and wait... Auntie!?

"A-Auntie... Mina?" I choked on my words as I tried to clarify what he just said.

"Yeah, your mom!" he happily said as he fished for his phone.

No way!

"Bright you are so not doing this! Do not take advantage of my mom!" I seriously said but I can't help but laugh at his devilish smile!

He's so confident that mom will give in! For all I know, mom will be so glad to let him stay here because her house will be blessed by a supermodel. Oh the obsession she has for people who can slay the runway!

Bright and I kept on bickering about his plan but when I got a hold of his phone, it's too late because mom is already on the other line.

Bright put the phone in speaker mode as he spoke,

"Hey Auntie Mina!" Bright cheerfully started.

Mina! From Wilhelmina to Mina? They are that close already!?

"Bright!" I whispered and he signaled me to shush.

"Oh good evening Bright! How's your day?" Mom's cheery voice echoes on the other line.

"My day is great Auntie. Uhm can I ask a favor Auntie? Sorry I have to call this late. It's... very important." Bright smirked at me as he took my arm and let me sit on his lap.

"Bright!" I whispered but he didn't even flinch. He wrapped his arms around my waist and rest his chin on my shoulder.

"What is it Bright? As long as it is within my power, I will be glad to help."

Mommy it's a trap!

"Auntie can I have a sleep over with Win tonight?" he bravely asked and my eyes almost popped out of its case! For the love of Neptune! This man is brave brave! "Because I-I have to finish some papers for a major subject and my partner is Win but he told me he couldn't come over tonight because of a guest? If you know that..."

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