~ Sanctuary ~

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I've always known I was a fast runner, it's in my blood, it's apart of who I am.

But for some reason I just couldn't catch up to her.

No matter how hard I pushed myself I just couldn't reach her - it's as if the distance between us remained the same no matter if I sped up or slowed down.

But things got weird when I blinked and she was gone in an instant and instead in the near distance were...the guys?

But I just ran from this spot, how could I end up back here? It must be some sort of loop, a way of keeping beings who shouldn't be here, trapped - sorry that they ever entered.

"What? How? You just ran from here" claimed a confused Trent.

"I know, I ran after her and ended up back here, didn't you guys see?"

"We didn't see anyone"

"Well then let's look for her and get out of here quickly" I began searching around like a mad man.

"Shhhh, do you hear that?" Hushed Trent.

Whispers, there were whispers. Soft feminine calls and giggles.

There on a rather thin tree were about 7 arms, all wrapped around it's trunk.

Jasper and Trent seemed to be stuck in a trance, their eyes glossy and hazy. I couldn't hear what the whispers were saying but I knew those two wanted a closer look as they slowly began inching towards the bundle of arms.

I look at Aiden to see if he had fallen for it too.

"Ummm, it's a no from us ladies" He exclaimed as he grabbed a hold of the two loopy men by their collars.

Then the arms quickly tucked back behind the tree, only for there to be no one standing there despite the many limbs we just witnessed beckoning us to come closer.

"Wow you guys are so gullible pfffft" Aiden pats them on the back shaking his head.

"Wait do you smell that?" He stops "It smells so good" He turns to follow the scent to a tree stump that ever so oddly had a pile of muffins neatly stacked on one another. "Oh yessss" He exclaimed.

"Aiden, you wouldn't fall for that would you? Don't you dare" I warned.

But in a mere second he had already began to stuff his face. "You should have let me eat before we came then" he mumbled with a mouthful.

"I did" I raised an eyebrow as he continued. I was about to stop him but then.

"You shouldn't eat those" Came a quiet voice.

'Oooof '

"Ah! Girl where did you come from?" Yelled Aiden falling back.

'They're Fuji mushrooms you know"

Aiden looks down at the tree truck to see a gathering of ugly green mushrooms with bulging moles.

He spluttered them out "Guys why didn't you tell me?"

But I was too focused to listen to him. Too focused on her.

Her eyes were so captivating. They were a light grey, with a lilac undertone.

She stood barefoot looking at Aiden oddly as he carried on splitting the remains of the mushrooms out, her old fashioned styled white dress gently flowing in the wind.

"Where did you go?" I asked calmly.

She looks up, eyeing me with thought. Her nose scrunched up with confusion "I didn't go anywhere" she claimed.

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