Hideo is in agony

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I startle awake, being woken by a sudden shift beside me. I open my eyes. Hideo is breathing heavily, His eyes moist with his hair matted with sweat. Another nightmare, I predict, it's been like this for the past few nights. After Sasuke was "brought back", his mind always sent him to the memories of the days of Sasuke's lost. Torturing Hideo with the years of guilt and loss and anguish.
I brush a few strands of hair out of his eyes, cleaning his forehead, putting his hair the neatest as I can. Getting a towel beside me, I start drying off his face. Mopping sweat from his forehead, brows, and the rest of his face and hair. My hand find his, with my other I touch his face, tracing my fingers across his lips, creasing his cheeks then up to his forehead, rubbing my thumb against his temple in attempt to calm him down.
"Emika," Hideo mutters, his voice weak.
"I'm here." I squeeze his hand once.
Hideo tries to sit up, but groans and slump back. Another headache, no doubt.
"I, I'm tired, I can't stop thinking about—" He takes a deep breath, his breathing slower now. "Hmm" he makes the sound. I know that he's saying him.
I suddenly have a thought. "Stay here, I'll go get you some water." I creep out of bed.
I head to the kitchen, pour a glass of water from a pitcher. Then fetch my phone.
I text a non-existing number. It tells me that the message is not deliverable, but I run a hack forcing it to send.
My eyes wander to the window, staring out to the navy view with black shadows of trees. No need to worry about if there is a reply or not, because after a few seconds a ding rings in my phone.
Yes, Emika?
Hideo's got a nightmare again.
You sure it's about me
Yes, it's been like that in the past few days.
Let me talk to him
My phone suddenly buzzes, the music "Queen of the night" plays along with the buzzes. I answer.
"Hello, Sasuke"
Zero's, no, Sasuke's cold voice replies, now it has a tingle of concern.
"Is Hideo ok?"
"I hope so."
I pick up the glass and head back to me and Hideo's bedroom. I set the glass onto his nightstand then give him the phone.
"I got him on the phone." I whisper.
At that Hideo sits up against his pain. Takes the glass then starts talking to Sasuke. I hear him calm down, his breathing returning to normal. His nightmares fading away.
I retreat back to my spot in bed. Listen carefully to their conversation. Sometimes Hideo plays with my hair during the call, and I fall back to sleep
Hope he's ok.

( Why do I always but romance elements in these stories, I'm pretty sure they're unnecessary, I just ship them hard. This kinda sucks compared to the last one but it's fine. Feel free to send feedback and ideas! I'll see if I have any more ideas for one shots)

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