Technology "work out"

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I sit legs crossed on the couch while Hideo prepares tea for us, studying the new design of the Neurolink my team just made. My colorful hair falls over my shoulder, blocking my sight. I tuck it behind my ear. I fumble the glasses, feeling the textural details added on the object. We went back to the old design, the public is still hesitant to trust us again after the truth went out. Convincing Ms. Kapoor that glasses are more comfortable anyways. Gold treads line the legs of the spectacles. It's lighter than before, even lighter than the one I wore when I got invited to be hare in Tokyo. It's panels glint orange and green ovals.
"These glasses are pretty intact."  Hideo says, handing me a cup of tea, which I received then put on the tea table.
"The chip is in the rims of the glasses, everything is safe from the seeking of any mind-controlling algorithms." I reply teasingly.
Hideo smiles, but  his narrowed eyes leak contempt. "Perhaps you could change up your words a bit."
Even though Hideo is still in house arrest, I am allowed to visit as freely as I want. He attends meetings with the team online. He concentrates better when he works on compartments alone, quiet, he says.
koa jumps excitedly around me. I hand Hideo the glasses and pick her up. Rubbing her behind her ears and under her chin. She barks in satisfaction.
Hideo inspects the pair. Looking closely at the updated lenses, feeling the weight  in his hands. He smiles at the decoration-like circuits on frames. He turns on the glasses and inspects the programs. The games and Normal functions aren't there, of course, for the reason that the prototype is not completed. Instead, in their placement are codes for functions.
"Emi, these are excellent, but look at this," He points at a code. I instantly see the error in the piece. "The error in this code will cause the whole function to be false, an malfunction. Who wrote this code?"
"It was Wisnieski. I gave him the coding job for this section." I respond. Dylan Wisnieski was one of the other bounty hunters that Hideo hired, helped us catch a guy who broke in Henka Games before.
"I suggest you or Tremaine rewrite this part, this is a important part."
"Will do."

We finished inspecting the glasses. I sent a few emails to a few on the team. Now I'm curled up against Hideo, watching him play some Mario Kart. He occasionally runs a finger in my hair or creases my cheek, making me blush. Koa snores softly In my lap while I stroke her fur softly. Me and Hideo small talk about various topics.
After Hideo was finished with playing,  he decided to cook dinner . We eat in silence, taking in each others presence.
When it was finally time for me to head home, Hideo pushes me against a wall,  then he kisses me. His soft lips touch mine,  making my cheeks burn. He then trails to my cheek then neck. He kisses my cheek again then let go. He sends me to the door.
"Bye beautiful, stay safe." He gives an affectionate smile.
"Bye, I will" I return his smile then head out.

(How did I do? send feedback and ideas if you want chacha)

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