1.Late Hours

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Lena was used to being at work in the late hours, and some nights not getting to bed until daylight. She didn't really mind it. She never really liked just sitting around and doing nothing, it was just plain and boring to her.

Maybe once and a while she would stay home, prop up and read a book. But it wasn't very frequent.

It was about 3 am and Lena was still at the office. No one else was on her floor except security, leaving the building almost completely silent. This caused Lena to slowly dose off with paperwork clutched in her hand, slowly falling out as her grip loosened.

Lena had been working non stop the last couple days, due to recent events. This caused her sleep schedule to be even worse then before. Leaving her with barely over a couple hours.

At this time Kara was doing her last patrol of the night, before she was going to lay down.

Including the children of liberty and other events, she was being even more alert and staying up until the later hours. She was using her superhearing to try and hear any screams or motions of anyone needing help.

After a couple more minutes of no one needing help, she was about to be finished. She started to fly back to her home when she passed L-Corp.

Kara looked inside the window expecting an empty desk due to the late hour. But the spotted a figure sitting at the desk, which happened to be her raven haired girlfriend. Kara sighed and landed onto the balcony outside of the office softly, to not wake up the sleeping girl.

She walked inside to the sight of the girl with papers at the edge of the desk almost falling, from the release of her grip. She had her arms slightly crossed with her head on top, and her hair sprawled out across the desk.

Kara placed the papers in a better position, then brought her gaze back to her green eyed girlfriend.

The sight brought a smile to her face.

She then gently slipped the girl into her arms, with the girl immediately relaxing into the hold.

Kara grabbed her few items with her remaining hand, slipping them into Lena's pocket.

Kara flew them both back to her home, entering through the window. She placed Lena onto the couch, slipping off her jacket with the items.

She walked over and slipped off Lena's shoes and jeans.

She super-sped into her room and grabbed a pair of sweatpants and a tank top. She pulled off Lena's jeans and her tight shirt, and pulled the clothes onto her, picking her up once again heading to the bedroom.

As she placed Lena down on the bed she softly opened her eyes, slightly confused. "Babe?" Kara smiled at the green eyed girl. "Hey baby. You fell asleep at work." She then softly kissed Lena's forehead, earning a tired smile from the girl. "I know you're gonna argue with me on this but, we're gonna take the day off tomorrow, and just relax and spend time together. You need it a lot right." Lena just gave her an almost unreadable expression. "Babe you know I can't do-" Kara cut her off before she could speak again. "No buts."

Lena just shrugged, too tired to argue at this very moment. She then opened her arms, motioning for Kara to crawl into. Kara smiled and used her super speed to turn off the rest of the lights, and finish changing and brushing her teeth. She came back in a gray tank top, and black shorts. Lena basically drooled at Kara's arms still waiting for her to crawl into her arms.

Kara did as so, leaving a soft kiss on her lips. Lena pulled the blanket up over there bodys, cuddling into her blue eyed girlfriend. "I love you Kara Danvers." Kara smiled into her girlfriends hair. "I love you more Lena Luthor."

Lena nuzzled her head into Kara's neck, as they both drifted asleep.

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