Chapter 2 - Unexpected -

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With Umberlight's agreement, I felt more at ease knowing that when my time was over PureStar wouldn't be completely alone; she was still so young and all her mind was focused on was completing duties for the Section and her future Section.

I gently slipped into my den where my mate slept, her bright grey fur smoothed down. Not wanting to wake her up; I tried to crawl into the bedding but her eyes opened regardless, her ears lifting as she brushed my fur with her tongue.

"Up late my love?"
"PureStar keeps accelerating in her training, it's almost terrifying..."
"You're afraid she's not ready?"

I shook my head before resting it on her back, closing my eyes with a reluctant sigh.

"No, I know she's ready for this...but it doesn't make letting her go any easier. Honeyglow...What if after she finishes her training she...?"

She gently batted my muzzle with her paw, her eyes soft like the glow of a candle that stared into my own as her tail swayed gently against my own.

"If she is anything like you, the wolf who raised her almost like his own, then I am positive she will be fine even her birthday. You have spent seventeen years raising her, she has learned from the best."

All the nerves that stirred my thoughts before seemed to settle at last, finally, I managed to get some sleep; even dreaming of the days to come.
When I eventually did open my eyes it was already PastTree, the bedding empty as I assumed Honeyglow was outside already. I stretched out my paws and hind legs, walking out to see the others all doing something different.

The elders of the Section all sat on great white rocks under the shade of an oak tree, while pups played in the tall grass pretending to be hunters. Some of the teenagers were in their shifted forms, talking to each other and generally it was peaceful. PureStar sat near the ocean where she could see the Empire Riverania, like most days. Before I decided to go to her, my eyes got caught by my mate with our pup.
Considering I would have normally gone over to PureStar, I walked to Honeyglow. Pressing my forehead against hers and playfully pretending our pup had gravely injured me like the little hunter he would become his innocent gaze only proving how much he still had to grow, Honeyglow relaxed as she watched the pack beside me.

"It's going to be Regathering season isn't it?"
I gave a short nod, glancing at PureStar in the distance.

"She is of age isn't she...?"
"Surely the Council wouldn't allow that, considering she's to be a Section Leader and a part of the Council?"

We both knew that the Council was ruthless and since there were only five Wolf Aurashifters this Regathering she would have no choice but to join, I doubt she would've refused if asked anyways. Some would contemplate that she'd be insane to risk her life, off her head but that's who she was; Dedicated through and through.
PureStar just gazed at the empire far out at sea, the chime of their clock ringing in the distance. I pondered at what she could be thinking about since she did this almost religiously every day before anything else, Always so alone.

Birds chirped nearby alerting my attention, the sounds of the pack slowly dying out as I stood. The brush nearby slowly pushed away by hands, two men and a woman walking closer and smirking.

"Good TreePast Councilman Amberclaw, may we borrow you...please."


The Alpha Fates: book 1, "Their First Howl"Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ