66. Bard's Home

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Smart, Bard, smart.

Dwalin turned his glare on me before speaking as he opened the hatch, "I wish I could make the same threats to you. Thorin would rip my head off if I did." Dwalin grumbled, still glaring at me. My eyes widened, my grin dropped in shock as I heard a growl down in the pipe system, a growl that sounded distinctly protective.

Said growl sent shivers down my spine for all the wrong reasons. Was that seriously Thorin? Why in the world did that sound so damn amazing? I fought down a blush, gritting my teeth in anger at the lapse in my control at the sound. Dang stubborn royal dwarf and his extremely attractive voice that has always drawn me in, even when we first met.

Dwalin looked down into the pipe once more, scowling, "I said if, I didn't threaten her." Dwalin grumbled in irritation as I stood there frozen. Why in the world would Thorin be so protective? We are still getting to know each other...

But then I remembered the intensity of the near kiss back on the barge and looked away, the hood covering my face as I felt my cheeks warm. I looked back as I heard the sound of a hand getting smacked, just in time to see Dwalin smack Bain's helping hand away.

"Get off." Dwalin growled, standing up and out of the toilet. As Bain backed up, moving quickly out of the irritated dwarf's path. "Up there." Bain said, pointing up the stairs. I watched as Dwalin passed, the dwarf glaring at my smirk, which only grew before he stomped, sulking, up the stairs.

I looked back just in time to see a wide eyed, pale and nearly puking Bilbo being lifted out of the toilet by Bain, who had a grip on his soaked coat. Bilbo made a near puking sound, visibly swallowing it, making me grimace in apology to the hobbit. I might be able to make some simple tea from some of the things hanging in this house for his nausea, that is if Bard allows me to. It is very, very likely the hobbit will get a cold after this, he just isn't built for this cold.

Then again, neither am I.

I watched as dwarf after dwarf climbed out of the toilet, Bifur looking disgruntled, Bombur getting stuck on the seat, and then... I couldn't handle it when Thorin's sulking, angry face covered in lakewater came out of the toilet, an extremely disgusted look on his royal face just drove it home for me.

I giggled.

I clapped my hands over my mouth tight, eyes wide as Thorin looked at me in shock. I stared at him with wide eyes as he pulled himself out of the toilet. By The Valar, did I just giggle? I just damn giggled like some frilly lady of the court! Dangit, Thorin! Why do you have to be so damn amusing that you make me giggle, of all things?!

I glared at Thorin with anger and challenged him with my glare to never speak of this. He rolled his eyes as he pulled himself up out of the toilet.

"Really, Ruby? Are we really going to have another test of wills?" Thorin sighed, but yet, even with his tone of voice, I saw that twinkle of amusement in his deep blue's as he met my eyes. I dropped my hands and smiled at the sight, gasping quietly in shock as Thorin grabbed my hand as he passed, pulling me up the stairs. I glared lightly and his back and rolled my eyes but let him pull me back up the stairs and into Bard's house.

"Da...why are there dwarves climbing out of our toilet? And who's the girl you brought back?" The eldest girl asked, looking at me with wide eyes as I finally decided to push my hood back.

And instantly a large poof of insane, tangled, frizzy, curly red hair was exposed with the lack of weight holding it down. Thorin turned after reaching the top of the stairs as I stared in horror at a strand of tightly curled red hair that fell down right onto my nose. I met Thorin's eyes and grimaced. Thorin's eyes widened a small touch as he stared for a second before smiling a minute amount at me. Really nothing more than a twitch of his lips, but I understood the message behind it.

A Ruby's Shine (Thorin Oakenshield X OC)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt