Chapter 3 PART 1!

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AN: I made two parts because it was going to be long if i did it together, so i will put up part 2 when i finish! Enjoy and thx for reading!

Chapter 3

Louis POV.

I ran up the stairs and went into my room. I quickly took off my jacket and put the remaining things that I carried, on my bed. I quietly walked out of my room and tipped toed to Harry's. I heard Zayn's voice as I neared. I was about to listen in when I saw a black shadow of an unknown shape on the floor. I screamed and ran all the way to Harry's room and ran to jump on him. I wrapped my arms around him and put my head in his neck. I whimpered.

"Hi, Lou. Are you okay?" Zayn said. Harry was rubbing my back comfortably.

"I saw something, a bug, it must be," I said hugging Harry closer, my head on his chest. I heard Zayn get up and walk out the door. I heard a sigh. I turned my head and laid the back of my head on his warm chest. 

"It was just a shoe, come on and man up." He said. I huffed and looked up at Harry. "Aww was Boo scared?" Harry cooed. I nodded and acted like the little kid I was.

"Yeah. I thought I was going to die! It could have been a bomb that would kill me before you, Hazza." I said like a child caressing his curly hair. 

"Poor Boo, it's ok. You're with me now." He said patting my head. I leaned into his touch; it felt so comforting even though I was fine. I opened my eyes, which I didn't know were closed, and I looked into those green eyes that made me melt a little. We seemed to be frozen into the moment, gazing into his eyes. 

"Missed me, Haz?" I said still deep in his eyes. 

"You bet I did. What did you do? Did you have fun?" Harry said with interest. 

"I went out with Eleanor, had a chat, and had dinner. Reminds me, I've got to call my mother." I said getting off of Harry.

As I got up I thought I saw something burning in Harry's eyes. I glanced over at him again but it wasn't there anymore. I shrugged it off but left feeing something that made me feel like I shouldn't have. I walked out of the room, and called Zayn to take care of him while I was gone. 

"You two lovebirds done?" He joked. I swear, he will get it one day. I faked laughed and walked to my room taking out my phone. I closed my door and sat on my bed pressing call on my mom's number.

Harry POV

I was glad that Louis was back. Honestly, I didn't like Eleanor. Yeah, she was pretty and nice but it seems as if she was hiding something. I just can't seem to figure out what.

"Looks like he won't be back for at least half an hour. It's the perfect time to explain, mate." Zayn said with a serious tone. I breathed in deeply and nodded. I needed to tell someone, might as well tell him.

"Well one day I was at a party, that I shouldn't have been at, and well I saw a guy and well... checked him out...." I said with little shame. 

"It's alright mate. It happens to a lot of people, but are you sure you are bi?" he asked cautiously over my feelings. 

"Well that is another thing; I want you to help by... you know..." I said looking away. I heard a heavy sigh.

"I don't know... it might be awkward... and what if someone finds out?" he said not so calmly. 

"No one will, I promise," I said a little doubtful. 

"Alright, but just because I'm helping you out. We must not speak of it with anyone ok?" he said a little shaky. I nodded; I had to find out if I was attracted to guys in general or if it was just Lou. He sighed once again and gave in.

 We got closer, I was worried that if it got too awkward that he would back out, so I grabbed his face and smashed his lips to mine. Our lips moved together, and I felt a little tingle. I kept my hands on his face, while I felt his fingers go into my curls.  I didn't mean to, but when he pulled my hair I moaned into his mouth. I guess we got carried away, but before we could go deeper I stopped and slowly pulled away only a few inches. Both of my hands were at the side of his face, and his on my waist. We were both breathing deeply trying to regain air.

"Uh that was um..." he said scratching the back of his head.

"Uh yeah. Did you um... feel anything?" I asked. He looked at me with drops of fear. 

"Did you?" he asked clearly not wanting to answer first. I sat there on his lap, which I didn't know when I got on. I noticed the minor swell on his lips. While I was studying his lips I actually noticed little beautiful features of him. His brown eyes made me think of a warm fire that gave me comfort. His hair looked rather handsome. I didn't know what I was thinking, but it all made me feel special with Zayn. I thought I had liked Louis but now I think I'm falling for Zayn. His voice so nice and I just don't see how I didn't see this before. Louis is with Eleanor, of course, he loves her, yet I fell for him when I should have known I had no chance.

"Zayn, please tell me you felt something in that kiss, I can't be the only one who felt it," I said. I saw something in his eyes; they seemed to brighten just a little. 

"You're serious? You felt the spark? You aren't kidding right?" Zayn said rushed. I felt my heart swell; he thought I would lie about an amazing kiss? 

"Zayn, no joke, that kiss was amazing!" I said, in whisper knowing we were in a house where everyone could hear if I was louder. 

"Amazing enough to have another?" He questioned with a huge smile. I nodded and closed my eyes. He pulled me closer to him and seconds later we had our lips back together. We both moaned as if we missed each other after being gone for decades. This time I wrapped my arms around his neck deepening the kiss. We were opened mouth making out in my room when I heard a gasp. We pulled apart, well more like pushed, and turned to the doorway. It was Louis.

End of part 1

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