Chapter 18

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An: i thought i put this up... sry! chapter 19 is up too! Thank you for reading! :)

Chapter 18

Liam’s POV

Ugh. Where am I? I tried to get up but only ended with a groan from my body. I slowly got up and opened my eyes, allowing them to adjust to the white everywhere. A hospital? What happened? I rubbed my forehead feeling a pain on my arm. A cast, and a few bandages everywhere on my body. No one was here for me? Surely they would’ve called the lads by now. There was a click, and I was hoping that it was Niall coming through that door. It wasn’t him, but I was concerned when a crying Harry and Zayn walked in. neither of them noticed me awake, I was basically still lying down. They sat together and sat there for a while until Zayn looked up and saw me. We stared at each other for quite sometime before poking Harry and pointing to me. He had wiped his tears to have better look at me before rushing towards me. “Liam! You’re okay! Wait, where is Louis?” he asked confused. I had the same expression. “Why would he be in here?” I asked. He looked at me, and I saw more tears form in his emerald eyes. “See Zayn! It’s Niall! I told you!” he screamed to Zayn. Zayn sat there befuddled, looking at the ground as if the answer was there. What are they talking about?

“Niall is dating Louis.”

Louis’ POV

It’s been so long. Nothing. I watched as Niall’s pale body laid there, motionless, with light breathing. Casts on his left arm, and right leg. Bandages everywhere, forehead and arms, I bet his stomach is patched up too. The crash was a disaster involving both Liam and Niall. Flashbacks came back haunting me. I shook my head, once again wiping away the damn tears that won’t stop. I’ve cried the most in these past 3 months then I had in all my childhood. So sensitive, like the s in your name. I felt weird when my subconscious tried to make me feel better, SARCASM MIND! I focused back on Niall, who possably might never wake again to hear his own subconscious.

Zayn’s POV

They finally let Harry and I go in with Liam. Halfway down here Harry broke down again and I had to guide him along. We went in, I trying to calm him with some words but it didn’t help much. He had told me Louis was dating someone but couldn’t find out whom. I was curious myself. Had he moved on from Harry and El?

I was too busy thinking when I felt someone watching me. Liam, he’s awake. I couldn’t believe it so I was staring a as if he would leave if I took my eyes off of him. I motioned Harry forward to see him. Harry went over him rambling on about how he is better and well, but stopped at a question that I was surprised about. “Wait, where’s Louis?” he was searching around slowly for any sign. Liam was baffled. “Why would he be in here?” I sensed Harry’s sadness from the other side of the room. “See Zayn! It’s Niall! I told you!” he screamed more tears rushing down his face. I was trying to place everything together but I couldn’t believe that, “Niall is dating Louis”

Please Don't Leave LARRY BoyXBoyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora