Chapter 15

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AN: another update! + getting closer to the end! :(

Chapter 15

Zayn's POV

That was close. I can only mentally thank Niall, because really thanking him will cause him to ask why. I knew his reasons, but I don't think that means he should know mine.

Here's one of my secrets. I know what has been happening around here. I know Louis loves Harry and that Harry is conflicted over Lou and I. Liam likes Niall and Niall is confused about it like Harry. This whole mess started months ago. It was a little before I had kissed Harry. I had been crushing on Liam for months! I knew he wouldn't like me back because I saw the way he was around Niall. Liam knew that I was watching him carefully and one day talked to me about it. I put it off like I didn't know what he was talking about. I didn't want to ruin my friendship with Liam or Niall so I kept quiet. When I had kissed Harry, it wasn't a lie or an act; I really did think I had or have feelings for him. I also knew Harry was Bi. I just had to confirm.

The whole Louis thing was unexpected. I didn't mean for him to get hurt by El even when they really weren't dating. I knew that too. I also know who that guy is. That.......twat.

I feel Louis' pain, misleaded. I know I know. Why am I still with Harry if he's meant to be with Louis? It's not me. I don't want to be harsh and dump him. This would also confuse him even more! I'm waiting for when he realizes his love over Lou! In this story I know I'll end up alone. But if Liam doesn't fix this soon, someone else will also be heartbroken.

A mistake he did make was going back to that ex of his, Rae. It only made the whole love triangle thing more complicated. I knew he was trying to act straight. He wanted to be, he felt horrible when he told Niall. I have to admit it hurt that he told Ni instead of me. I know I sound like a stalker knowing all this, but honestly, it's pretty obvious. I feel bad that this all became this bad of a mess. Sometimes I wonder what would've happened if I wasn't with Harry, if I wasn't anyone's problem. Harry was the only happiness I've had in a long time. He wasn't mine though.

He deserves better, not me.

Liam's POV

I knew where Niall was headed. I ran into my own car heading in the same direction. I had to make this right. I screwed up even more! I'm so stupid sometimes! Ugh! There's traffic stopping me from getting closer to him. Instead of the short way I was forced to go the long way around. Damn. I was looking every where for some other way to get there faster, everywhere but in front of me. That was a huge mistake.

Niall's POV

We pulled away. "I'm pretty sure that everyone thought we were crazy crying in the middle of a park." I chuckled slightly along with Louis. I wiped my face with my jacket's sleeve. I finally calmed myself a little. It felt good crying. It also felt good having a friend there for me. Lou was the closest right now. "So what was that plan of yours?" I asked. "Oh yeah! Okay so we both want someone right? I want Harry and you want Liam," he paused looking at me for confirmation, I nodded and he continued, "All we have to do is pretend date! In front of the guys, a few kisses here and there and boom! Jealous Liam and jealous Harry! What do you say?" he asked like a landlord asking for land by telling him his plans for the useless area. I thought it through. I was deciding against it but Louis wouldn't have it. He begged until I agreed. He thanked me. I see that this is very important for him. I still doubted that I would get any attention from Liam though. I told Louis I would be going back to get some rest from all of this. I got into my car. Waving goodbye to Lou. He was coming back a little after, I know he still wanted some more alone time. I think it was better if I had stayed.....

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