Chapter 14

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AN: omc. 215 reads! i know for some it's so little but for me i feel proud. *its a sad life :/ oh well* anyways i hope you're enjoying this and i will finish this book way soon. Sequal posted a week after this one is done! more frequent updates to come!

Chapter 14

*Back downstairs*

Liam's POV

Harry quickly left the kitchen. I don't know why but I felt slightly awkward holding his boyfriend that way in front of him. I guess it wasn't that friendly of a gesture.

I was reminded to why I was mad at him when I saw his bare back to me. I don't care if I act like their dad; they need to know how to make better decisions, and being naked, drinking out of our 5 people shared juice isn't exactly good for any of us. I grabbed him and turned him around basically pinning him on the refrigerator. He flinched! Zayn Malik flinched and I caused it! I don't know why I was so proud as if it was an accomplishment or something. Why did I like this?

"Zayn. Where's your shirt?" I asked calmly. His eyes wouldn't catch mine for some reason. What? I wasn't that mad at him.... Yet. "It's somewhere in the living room." he said looking at the ground, barely talking in a whisper. What is up with him? He's never this shy around any of us. Well he hasn't recently, why is he acting like this randomly again?

Zayn's POV

No... not again. I love Harry. I can't go back... he can't know.

No one can.

Niall's POV

I think I should give Liam a break. We all make mistakes right? We both made one, and it will never be like this ever again. I know I have to go and forgive him and try to be forgiven now. I started feeling happy at the thought of us being bros again.

I walked downstairs and into the kitchen. I was shocked, wha-? I... What is going on?

Why was Liam pinning Zayn? And why is HE shirtless? They were fairly close.

This sparked a fuse in me and I angrily ran out of the house and into the car. Slamming both doors along my way out. I DON'T GET IT!! This makes no sense! I calmed myself at the perfect time, because I drove out right when Liam ran out after me. It was too late; I was already making my way to the park. The same one I went to when finding Louis. I don't know. It just feels like I can only be around Harry or Louis now. Surprisingly that's who I found crisscrossed apple sauce on the floor next to the old tree. He looked like a child.

"Hey Niall." Louis said without looking up. I sat next to him and also greeted him. I guess we both needed the same thing, silence. I didn't see his reasons why at first, but I was reminded of what he might've had seen when we got home. I did past the two on the way up... this only made me angrier.

I don't think of Liam that way ... do I? I mean I can admit that I get attracted to guys. That doesn't bother me as much as me liking one of my best mates, no BROTHER! Ugh. He is like the closest of them all to me. I don't think that it would be as bad if I liked Zayn or Louis, but they love others...

When do I get a chance? Haha... this sounds like the little mermaid now. When's it my turn? Wouldn't I love, love to explore the world above? This just made me think of Liam and his love over Disney. That's so cute...


"Niall?" Louis asked. "Yeah?" I replied. "You're okay right?" he asked pretty worried. "I'm fine; a better question would be if you're okay? Is it about the whole Harry thing? If it is, then I'm-..." "No. That's not my problem... I just can't deal with the whole love thing. I'm starting to think that there isn't such a thing as love. And worse of all I don't think I ever will get the chance for it." I could hear his voice weaken. He's hurt like me. He also missed his chance, like me. I don't know how I feel about this...

"Lou, I can promise you that one day you'll find that one special person. He will make you happy and I know you'll give them the equal amount of happiness. Don't give up on love now." I said the best way possible. I wished this was true for me. I knew I've screwed up. BIG time.

"Niall, I think you should listen to yourself too..," he paused chuckling slightly, "You're a pretty good lad, and you will make some girl happy one day. No matter how long it's been since you had a girlfriend." He tried to assure me. I shook my head at his words. "No Lou. I know I lost my love. I made a mistake. Trust me when I say you'll get Harry one day." I said looking right at his eyes. Tears fell. We rushed into an embrace crying together. He doesn't deserve this. Louis sniffed.

Louis' POV

"I might have a plan..."

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