Chapter 1

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Madeleine Masterson's POV

I stared at my pet with a mixture of fear and disgust. Just because someone overcomes the natural instinct to freeze in terror when they see a spider, does not mean they then want one as a companion.

I don't know what Mrs. Wellington was thinking when she gave me the thing. I suppose it was her showing confidence in my ability to not have a bloody breakdown every time a bug crosses my path, and I appreciate the sentiment, but really... I hate the new addition to my room.

It rested on the leopard print pillow inside its enclosure, watching me with those creepy eyes. Why can't spider have two eyes, two legs, and no pincers? Perhaps I'd care a bit more for the creature if it wasn't quite so freakish.

I just needed to relax. Calm down. The arachnid will remain in its cage as long as I refuse to release it from its holding cell. No need to get worked up. I'm not scared. Period. I need a distraction that's all.

Just as I was on the verge of dusting the large hairy guys home- and not in the clean up everybody do your share kind of way- I got the distraction that I so badly needed.

Garrison Feldman seemed to be attempting to FaceTime me on my laptop. That's lovely! It seems like forever since I've seen any of my fellow overcomer's, though I chatted with Lulu Punchalower for quite a lengthy period of time just last night.

I clicked accept, and his handsome face immediately appeared on my screen.

"Hey Maddie! What's up?" Came the sound of his deep American accented voice.

  "Hello Garrison. Not very much, all I've done so far today is feed my..." I paused for a moment to choose my words more carefully. "Terrifying thing" would almost certainly not go over well. "Pet. What is up with you?"

I inwardly cringed. What is up with you? Not only is it an odd expression, considering that what is up is the ceiling, not whatever is happening in your life, but me saying what is instead of what's is not likely to be considered common— let alone cool.

   "Not feeding spiders that's for sure. Just been... surfing."

I grin widely. "Really? You've been surfing? Oh, that's wonderful Garrison! I'm so glad you've gotten so over that old phobia! I know I sometimes struggle just to look at my spider— and convincing myself to feed it when it eats bugs, of all things— tends to be difficult, so it's so unbelievably awesome to me that you've managed such an extraordinary feat! Congratulations!" I gushed with genuine excitement, though the tone of my voice never raised in pitch. I was a quiet, well-mannered sort of person.

How great is that?! He's not an aquaphobic anymore!

"Thanks," he said with a small smile. It looked so lovely on his tanned face though... there was something akin to guilt in his eyes. Why? I couldn't possibly begin to comprehend. Why should he have to feel guilty about? Surely not being braver than I or some other similar fuss.

"You should be more excited Garrison, this is great news! I know I mentioned my anxiety, but it's really not that bad. I think having my... pet is good therapy. It forces me to work through my fear. The phobia is manageable now, so I think it will be alright. Absolutely nothing for you to worry about— though you are kind too."

He chuckled lightly, looking guiltier still. "I'm not worried, you're doing great Mads. Just thought I'd mention that I uh... recently met this—"

"Madeleine," said my mother through a the intercom. "Oscar has arrived to study."

    I excuse myself from Garrison for a moment and hold the button to talk. "That's wonderful mum. If you could perhaps entertain him for a moment, that would be lovely. I'm talking with a friend right now, but I believe he has merely one more thing he particularly wishes to discuss, so if you would be so kind." My tone didn't pose much of a question as I often spoke with authority.

"Alright darling.  Just let me know when you're ready, please."

"I will mummy thank you."

"You're welcome dear."

I released the button and turned towards my old crush. "So, I'm afraid I don't have much time to talk Garrison as my study partner is here. What was it you wished to mention?"

He seemed stunned for a moment and then recovered. "Nothing important, who's Oscar?"

    I blinked. "My study partner. I don't mean to offend you by saying this, but I'm quite certain I already said that."

  He nodded. "Hmmm... interesting. And Oscar is a guy?"

  Another blink. "Again, I mean no offense, but obviously he is male. Oscar is not a proper name for a girl."

"Yeah, I know. Just thought maybe in London it was different or something."

"Why would it be different?" I asked, thoroughly confused.

"I don't know you think biscuits and cookies are the same thing, and think tea is better than coffee. How would I know what names, were for what gender?" he shot out in a defensive manner.

"Okay, three things. First, biscuits and cookies are not the same thing. Second, tea is better than coffee. Third, no need to get touchy Garrison. I said I meant no offense."

He sighed at my third statement, rolled his eyes at my second, and raised a brow in interest at my first. "Another three things." he said, holding up a hand with three fingers sticking up.

"Number one: really? What's the difference?" He put his ring finger down. "Number two: that's a lie, coffee is awesome, and tea is fine at best." He laid his middle finger next to his ring. "Number three: no offense was taken, and I'm not touchy."

Now it was my turn to raise my brows. "A final three things. A. One tastes far better than the other. B. I am not the one fibbing here, tea is delicious especially with biscuits. C. Yes you are, and I can't fathom why."

    Garrison huffed irritably and snapped, "British biscuits are gross, tea is gross, I wasn't lying, I am not touchy, and I've gotta go because I have a date with the head cheer leader. Her name is Mary Kate short for Mary Katherine."

Several blinks. My old crush has a girlfriend now?

  Good for him. Good for him...

"I disagree with everything you said, except for one but I don't wish to start an argument so I'll leave my exact thoughts on all of that-" I barely stopped myself from saying rubbish. "Commentary.  But congrats on your date, and surfing. It sounds as though you have had an amazing time since we last spoke. Well... I best be off. Oscar is waiting. It was a pleasure speaking with you Garrison. Perhaps I shall call you later this evening, and see how your date has gone?"

He paused, that guilty look seeming to expand and take over his whole face instead of just his eyes. "Wait. Before you go... sorry. I thought since you... well I guess I... anyways... bye Madeleine. I'll text you when the date is over, so you'll know when to call."

I nodded my ascent. "Alright. I accept your apology and extend one of my own since you clearly were upset by my wording earlier. Goodbye Garrison." I close the laptop and sigh. He's got a girlfriend. Wow.

A single tear traced its way down my cheek as I stared down at my knees. "I miss you, Garrison," I whispered, my eyes leaking a few more tears. Then I pulled myself together, and went downstairs to study with Oscar.

Hola! Stay tuned for next chappie! It'll be Garrison's POV! Oscar and Mary Kate are mine!  Disclaimer: Madeleine and her parents, and Garrison and his parents are Gitty Daneshvari's.  If you liked please comment, vote, and tag others who you think would enjoy the story. Even if they haven't read School of Fear they might still like to pick a ship, jump aboard, and pester everyone to follow that one specifically ranting about why all the others stink. Until next update, BYE!!!!!!!

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