Meeting the ELVES??

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Harry Potter's POV

Who were these rando elves? And more importantly, what are they doing coming to my school? (It's the fourth year).

Mr. Dumbledore announced in the Great Hall," A group of elves from a place called the Lost Cities are coming to Hogwarts."

Whispers throughout the room spread rapidly like a wildfire. Are they going to enter the Triwizard Tournament? Why are they coming? Elves, what do you mean?

Mr. Dumbledore was about to speak when the doors to the Great Hall opened with a slam. A super pretty girl (like NOT HUMAN PRETTY!) with golden flecked eyes and dirty blond hair and a bunch of other GORGEOUS people came out. 

A man stepped forward," Hello fellow humans. This is the Black Swan. We're elves and they have come here to seek training."

Professor McGonagall pulled out the sorting hat. The first years had already been sorted. The "elves" came forward. McGonagall explained the houses. The dirty blonde girl sat down.

"SOPHIE FOSTER!" The sorting hat yelled." Difficult... GRYFFINDOR!" This Sophie girl nervously looked around and then quietly sat at our table. The hat did the same thing it did with me.

A boy with an amazing smile, teal eyes, and dark hair came next. "GRYFFINDOR!" He happily beamed and sat next to Sophie and held her hand tightly. 

A way to pretty to be a human girl got seated. She had dark hair like the boy before that flowed behind her and her skin was flawless. I just kinda fell in love with her. SHE WAS SO PRETTY! "Biana, HUFFLEPUFF!"

I was a bit disappointed Biana wasn't in my house, but it was silly I told myself. 

Next, a really handsome guy with disheveled blond hair and frosty eyes sat. "Keefe.... you've got to some talent. SLYTHERIN!" The sorting hat cried.

Everyone was shell-shocked, he smirked at Sophie and the guy. But cautiously walked to Slytherin. A Slytherin, was he bad?!? I told myself that I would ask Sophie about this "elf in Slytherin"

A strawberry blond with periwinkle eyes got sorted into Ravenclaw. He hesitated until Sophie walked to him and whispered something in his ear. A hush fell over the room as the boy walked to Ravenclaw.

I talked to Sophie and soon learned the "elves" names. 

Fitz and Sophie were in Gryffindor. Dex Dizznee was in Ravenclaw, Keefe was in Slytherin, and (SUPER PRETTY) Biana was in Hufflepuff.

- Sophitz Shipper 

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