chapter five

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The sun was starting to go down as Jameson and I sat on his balcony. I intended to soak as much of England in as possible.

We sat in a chair together- I sat in his lap, we were still holding hands. I never wanted to let go of him. I loved the moment we were living in. 

"What made you want to come all the way over here?"

"I just couldn't keep going without you." I gazed into his eyes. I didn't want to stop looking at them.

"That is the sweetest thing I've heard in a long time, " he whispered. "I'm glad you're here."

He didn't drink a drop that night. I was so relieved. After the sun set, we went inside and watched "Clueless" together on the couch. 

"You wanna watch our favorite?" Jameson grinned. Early in the relationship, "Clueless" became an inside joke. Jameson's brother, Eli, loved it and would watch it on repeat while they hung out at home as kids. Eli has intellectual disabilities and it was hard for their family to keep him content. It was one of my favorite movies from my teen years. I even had a couple of shirts from the movie. Those shirts were in my backpack. 

I laughed. "Of course". We curled up on the couch and cuddled while laughing at the movie. I'd never been this relaxed while with someone, male or female. I'm bisexual, so I'd cuddled (and more) with both sexes in the past. My whole body felt like Jell-O. I never wanted to move. Jameson was that person for me. I knew it. 

I started to drift off to sleep as the movie ended and the last thing I remember was Jameson stroking my hair. 

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