Chapter Two

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The Next Morning

I woke up and stared out my window.

I couldn't be away from Jameson any longer. I knew it was time to fly out to him.

I already had the time off. My passport had been ready.

Was I ready? Could I really do this? Yeah.

I opened my laptop, and Lily hopped on my lap.

Within 15 minutes, I was booked for a 15-hour flight to London. It wasn't a direct flight- one flight from Detroit to Raleigh, then from Raleigh to Amsterdam, and finally into London. Don't ask, this is just how it works. I let out a deep sigh as soon as I was done. I was about to fly almost 4000 miles to see someone who might or might not appreciate it, but I knew I had to see him. 

Even later that morning

I grabbed my pink backpack and threw in clothes, a travel bag for makeup and other things. I dug in my closet for my suitcase and packed all the clothes and shoes I would need for a week. When I was done, I called Seth so he could watch Tinkerbell while I was gone.

"ARE YOU INSANE?" he shrieked. "Did you not listen to a word I said?"

I laughed. "I did but..."

"Clearly you didn't listen," he said. "Get out of here, I'll watch that little demon cat. I better be a groomsman or something in the wedding."

I promised him he would be and told him when to come over to feed and play with Tinkerbell. I knew she would be in good hands. We hung up. I caught an Uber to Detroit Metro Airport. My thoughts were everywhere, but I knew that I was doing the right thing. I knew Jameson needed me.

I sat in the airport terminal for an hour or so waiting. I drank a cranberry and vodka for a bit of courage and ate a bag of flaming hot Cheetos- I didn't know if I would be able to find them in England. They're one of my favorite foods. I don't go a week without eating them. I looked over my tickets- Detroit to Raleigh, then over to Amsterdam to London. Total 15 hours. I'd tossed a lot of money into this, and I didn't even know how I was going to get to Jameson's apartment.

Well, shit, Willa. Great idea. How is this gonna work?

I wasn't about to call Leanne on this one. I'd tried to text Jameson after booking my ticket in the very early hours of the night before but of course, no response.

Yikes. The hell was I doing?

Okay. Willa, breathe. This is gonna work out. Probably. If not, then you just scored a week vacation that you needed anyway.

I turned on an episode of "Small Town Murder" to distract myself and leaned back in my chair. I could certainly use the laughs.

About thirty minutes later, the announcements began for the flight. I waited for business class to be called and found my seat. I settled in for the first of my flights. I was still so nervous. I set my phone on airplane mode and reminded myself to check in with Seth when I got to my next stop.

Hours later

Raleigh was a short stop. The layover was just long enough for me to go to the bathroom- I hate plane bathrooms! I grabbed a snack and to the gate for my flight to Amsterdam. While waiting, I called Seth.

"You still in one piece?"

"Yeah, how's my cat?"

"She's asleep as usual. I think I might like her."

"Good. She's literally the best cat ever, you should let her cuddle. Come by about this time tomorrow and play with her a bit. Thanks dude. I'll send you a text from Amsterdam."

"Bye girl."

I got on the plane for Amsterdam and fell asleep almost instantly. I wasn't even sure what time it was when I got there, but it was daytime. Time differences will mess with you. I listened to music to calm my nerves from there to London. I love the song "Landing in London" by Three Doors Down, and had once sent the video to Jameson in a link. I told him that I would be landing in London one day to see him. He had no clue that it would be today. I wanted to listen to it as the plane landed in London, as the song is about making up for lost time with someone that the man loves.

I fell asleep again on the flight to London, but not for long. I almost lost my nerve, wondering what I would find once I got there. Would Jameson have another woman there? Did he not love me? Is that why he kept disappearing? What was I doing? As the captain announced the approach, I turned on "Landing in London"

"All these days I spend away

I'll make up for this I swear"

I knew that feeling for sure. It's not a good feeling. There was so much I wanted to make up for.

The plane touched down, everyone grabbed their luggage. Everyone had someone waiting for them except for me.

Willa, what were you thinking?

I had Jameson's address. I had Leanne's phone number, so if things went all the way bad, I could call her. I would surprise the hell out of her, but I knew she would help me out.

I walked down the tarmac, took a deep breath and mentally welcomed myself to England.

I went through customs (lots of fun) and left the airport. I got a cab and gave the driver Jameson's address. On the way, I sent a text to Seth.

Willa: I'm here. I made it to London. On the way to Jameson.

Seth: I think you're insane but good luck

I stared out the window taking in my surroundings- London is a gorgeous place! I barely spoke to the driver. He stopped about ten minutes later. I paid, thanked him and took my luggage out of the trunk (boot). He then drove away.


Seth: breathe girl you will be fine but if not this cat misses you

Willa: thanks a lot

I took a deep breath and walked inside the apartment (flat) building.

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