Chapter Eight

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 Memories of Jamison and I flashed through my mind. 

I had no idea what his thoughts were. Was he thinking about drinking? Was he mad because his parents were concerned about his drinking, like everyone else in his life? 

I couldn't read him. I didn't like this. As he drove, Jamison barely spoke. When he did it wasn't about the discussion with his parents. I asked him once what was wrong, because I didn't want to upset him more than he obviously was, but he wouldn't say anything about how he felt. 

I decided to let him have his space to think and feel. That seemed to be the best option at the time. 

When we got to the flat, Jamison didn't get out of the car. 

"Where are you going?" 

He glanced away. "I'm going for a drive alone," he said. "I just need to think about some things." 

I really wanted to ask if he planned on drinking but it just didn't seem like a good idea. My anxiety was making me want to protect myself emotionally. I wasn't used to fighting without tears being involved. Jamison handed me the key to his apartment and I went upstairs. 

I turned on the lights in the living room and sat on the couch. I turned on the TV for a little bit of a distraction- I don't like silence. 

As I sat there, I couldn't stop thinking about Jamison. What was he doing? Was he drinking? Was he with another woman? I didn't come all the way here for that to happen. I would be furious and on the next flight out of London if that was the case. Was he okay? Why wouldn't he talk to me about his feelings? 

Ugh. I didn't like any of this at all. I didn't have any idea on what to do besides sit and wait, so that's what I did. I watched TV and checked in with Seth via text. I missed Tinkerbell. 

How are you and Tinkerbell? 

We're good. She looks for you a lot. I give her ALL the pets and belly rubs. 

Good, you're probably her new best friend. 

Look, idk what to do. Meeting the family went great until his dad brought up his drinking. We left not long after that and now he's out somewhere. 

WHAT? he just left you at home? He didn't say where he was going? 

no. he just gave me the key when he dropped me off in front of the flat and left. I'm worried he's out doing something dumb

I really hope he isn't. I can't believe he did that

*sends picture of Tinkerbell, a calico/tabby cat* 

Thanks. I really needed to see her. I miss my baby. 

What do I even do? I don't know who I could call or anything and you KNOW my anxiety is bad 

I don't know. Hope he's back soon. Don't jump on him (hahaha) the moment he walks in the door. Just be easy on him, if it's super late, just tackle it in the morning. 

I laughed at Seth's response. Typical guy advice

Thanks. I'll do that and let you know how it goes. I might try to go to sleep. 

I lay on the couch with a blanket and my phone. I plugged it in to keep it charged in case Jamison tried to call me. 


I dozed off for a while and woke up to keys hitting the kitchen table. I sprung up. 


"Hey, Willa," he slurred. 

No. No freaking way. He couldn't have drank. Not while I was there. 

"Is it just me or are you-" 

He wrapped his arms around me. "I just had a few," he said. "I was trying to not drink while you were here but tonight just kinda sucked." His hazel eyes were red, words were slurred and he seemed unsteady on his feet. Jamison was definitely drunk. 

I sighed and looked at the clock, which said 3:34 AM. It was far too late to have a reasonable discussion. 

"How about we go to sleep and we talk when we wake up?" 

"Okay," he said. "Night." He walked to his room and shut the door. I figured I wasn't invited to join him, so I went back to the couch. I slept off and on until noon, when I finally gave up on trying to sleep. 

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