Chapter 7

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*it soon turned dark out you and the Sky Pirates went over to pure heart valley you hid in the bushes you snapped your figures telling the Sky Pirates what to do*

You:ok we're gonna kidnapped the sweetie pie and try not to make noise it will set off the alarm

*The Sky Pirates nod you told them to separate they all went into the sweetie pies house and covered their mouths so they wouldn't scream and stuffed them into the bag after a few hours and minutes of collecting the sweetie pies you told the gang to run over to the HQ and put them into the cells*

You:good work fellas now for the fun part
Orangusnake:what's that?
You:we're also gonna kidnapped the king
Ratarang:but he has a lot of guards
You:ha we ain't afraid of some guards are we?
Boss Hosstrich:nope we ain't
You:good now follow me and Ramaraffe keep guard
Ramaraffe:you got it Y/N

*You and the Sky Pirates went into the kingdom put on some black costumes so you can blend in the dark you told the gang to trap the guards and the butler and you'll kidnapped the king on your own you went in the king's room and saw him sleeping you covered his mouth and stuffed him into the bag and ran the Sky Pirates followed you safely made it to the HQ and threw the king and his guards into the cell*

You:well well well look who we have here
King Snugglemagne:I command you to let me go!
You:let me think about...Nah
King Snugglemagne:what are you going to do to me
You:let's just say your gonna work for us
Pinky:I was never meant to work!
You:quiet you
King Snugglemagne:what about the Sheiff?
You:he will never find out and he will never find us
King Snugglemagne:why are you doing this?
You:it's something called revenge

*You walked away from the cells and gave a small smirk*

You:well you all get some sleep your gonna need it

*You closed the door behind you laughing evil the sweetie pies hugging each other*

You:great job fellas are plan is working perfectly
Orangusnake:are they really going to make them work for us?
You:nope we're gonna keep them hostage to lure the Sheiff in
Ratarang:I'm liking this plan already
You:so as soon as the Sheriff comes looking for them we will strike on them
Boss Hosstrich:so what now?
You:now we wait

*It soon turned morning Mao Mao and his friends went out to pure heart valley but things didn't seem right*

Mao Mao:guys it feels empty in here
Badgerclops:and quiet
Adorabat:to quiet
Mao Mao:why aren't the sweetie pies out here like always
Adorabat:you don't think something happened?
Badgerclops:their maybe planning a surprise or something
Mao Mao:I don't think that's it
Adorabat:hey what's that over there

*Mao Mao went over to the mysterious noise and saw Camille hiding behind a bush*

Mao Mao:Camille?
Camille:oh thank goodness your here!
Mao Mao:what happened?
Camille:the Sky Pirates and a new recruit took all the sweetie pies somewhere
Mao Mao:new recruit?
Camille:yeah it was a girl
Mao Mao:Y/N...
Camille:what why would she work for them?
Mao Mao:it's a long story
Badgerclops:he cheated on her
Mao Mao:Badgerclops!
Camille:well it sounds like it's your fault dude
Mao Mao:I know
Camille:well what now?
Mao Mao:we have to find them but we need more people
Tanya Keys:I can help you sweetie~
Adorabat:oh no not her
Badgerclops:here we go again
Mao Mao:Tanya?
Tanya Keys:just heard you needed help mittens
Mao Mao:well yeah we do
Tanya:well let's get going then shall we?
Camille:I can help out with this
Mao Mao:thanks Camille

*Mao Mao and the gang went all over pure heart valley to find if their were any sweetie pies left behind or hiding after the attack not luck they went to the forest assuming they were brought there they saw a hideout and saw the sweetie pies in cages Mao Mao was prepared but he didn't know what was waiting there for him*

Hope you guys liked the chapter more coming soon I might work on Mao Mao x Reader Oneshots tomorrow or maybe later so stay tuned ☮️

Cheater Mao Mao x Female Reader CompletedDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora