Chapter 15

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*it was finally the wedding day of Mao Mao and Y/N everyone in pure heart valley came even your friends the sky pirates were there for the support of their leader*

You:Will today is the day
Adorabat:I'm glad you're back Y/N
You:Hehe I did miss you guys
Adorabat:And we missed you as well
You:How do look Adorabat?
Adorabat:Like a princess in a fairytale
You:Aww really?
Adorabat:Yep I'm really sure
You:Well here goes nothing now
Adorabat:I'll be here with you
You:Thank you Adorabat

*you held her hand as she grabbed her flower basket you stood by the door nervous talking a deep breathe as the music started to play you saw Orangusnake walking up to you*

You:What are you doing?
Orangusnake:I can't let you walk the aisle alone right?
You:You're so sweet Orangusnake

*you and Orangusnake walked down the aisle as Adorabat threw flowers petals on the floor Mao Mao saw you and his mouth dropped*

Badgerclops:Easy tiger save it for the honeymoon
Mao Mao:She's so beautiful
Badgerclops:she really is you know how to pick them
Mao Mao:I sure do hehe

*you were standing next to Mao Mao both of you blushing Mao Mao put your vale up blushing more then ever you giggled at his face*

Snugglemagne:Today we celebrate the hospital of Mao Mao and Y/N before, is there any objections?

*the room was silent Snugglemagne looked around to see anyone raising their hand but no one did*

Snugglemagne:Well let's begin Mao Mao do you take Y/N as your wife?
Mao Mao:I do
Snugglemagne:And Y/N do you take Mao Mao as your husband
You:I do
Snugglemagne:Well you may kiss the bride

*you and Mao Mao gave each other a passionate kiss everyone in the room clapped like crazy cheering after we went to the dance where everyone watched you two dance*

You:I'm so happy Mao Mao
Mao Mao:Same here my love
You:This is the best day ever Mao Mao
Mao Mao:Couldn't agree more

*after the wedding you and Mao Mao went to your honeymoon to Hawaii and had the best days of your life you were still in the sky pirates because you did enjoy causing mischief a lot and Mao Mao always coming in saving the day and best of all you guys didn't see Tanya which made you guys happy after a few months you Mao Mao had a child named C/N he/she was their father and hoped one day they'll be a hero*

The End

Hello my wolves hoped you enjoyed the book we all enjoyed the journey together stay tuned for new books coming out soon love you all see you soon ✌ my wolves awooo🐺💖

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Mar 22, 2021 ⏰

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