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652 8 21

Guys I think I'm going to quit Wattpad I'm just getting depression now my brother is being a ass too he will always insult me and my mom and her boyfriend will be like "oh he's just playing with you" he's not he always does this to me my mom says "just ignore it" but it's hard for me I've been bullied my whole life and got used to it but when it's my family bulling me I can't take it my mind just say "do it" I don't know what to do amymore theh are always on my brother's side he just insulted me saying that my room stinks like my breathe because of my baby sister pooping herself that's where they said "he's just playing with you" why is it always me I even get bullied at school I can't take it anymore I just want to be gone I just had a mental breakdown when they left my room I started to cry why is my life a living hell if you guys can give me advice please tell me in the comments and thanks for listening to this who ever is reading this see you love you guys ✌

Cheater Mao Mao x Female Reader CompletedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora